Black Metal.

I like Black Metal. Bands that I like of the genre are: Darkthrone, Emperor, Ancient and Ulver. I haven't really gone that far into black metal yet but those are the keepers so far.
So I downloaded an album by Imperium Dekadenz, "...Und die Welt Ward Kalt und Leer" and noticed the fifth track "For Those Who Sleep Eternally" was missing.

Has anyone got this track, and could please upload it?

Well it had to happen sooner or later. In typical forum fashion we have a pointless argument derailing a thread.

Thanks for screwing up a perfectly good topic.
@Vesupria STFU! Most threads talking about the bands you like. What the hell else are we going to talk about in a METAL FUCKIN FORUM! So please leave!

Anywayz... I havn't been listening to much black metal in the past few days. I have listened to some Sunn 0))) and some rock and stoner-doom-esh stuff. But after I finish listening to the Waking Ashland album I'm going right back to my roots.

Also, me and some friends are starting up a black metal band. It'll be the first black metal band in my area :p Once we start doing live shows it'll be a surprise to people... could be intressting. But anyone got suggestions for an aspiring black metal band?
@Vesupria STFU! Most threads talking about the bands you like. What the hell else are we going to talk about in a METAL FUCKIN FORUM! So please leave!

Anywayz... I havn't been listening to much black metal in the past few days. I have listened to some Sunn 0))) and some rock and stoner-doom-esh stuff. But after I finish listening to the Waking Ashland album I'm going right back to my roots.

Also, me and some friends are starting up a black metal band. It'll be the first black metal band in my area :p Once we start doing live shows it'll be a surprise to people... could be intressting. But anyone got suggestions for an aspiring black metal band?
Don't half ass write riffs and practice enough to be ready for live performances.
I listened to those three, and honesty I can't see anything special. It is decent, surely. But after those three songs, I was getting bored (had to wash it down with a bit of Pure Holocaust). There is much much better, I can't say this album is ever going to make it onto my playlists. They incorporate elements beyond traditional BM, but don't do it in any overly interesting or 'progressive' manner. Certainly not aiding in bringing BM to any new levels. The songs sounded static, with little bits of "non-BM elements" thrown in as a shoddy attempt at adding interest to the music.

Listening to SMRC by Deathspell Omega right now. This thing is a monster, Hard to take it all in at once. Interesting production on this album. I am not 100% sure of what I think about this one quite yet. I need to give it more listens. It has some really great moments though.
Listen to Inquisitors of Satan. That album is utterly spellbinding. SMRC can be just too much to compute in one go, and the grandosity is too overt. I like the subtlety of IoS much more.