Black Metal.

Listening to SMRC by Deathspell Omega right now. This thing is a monster, Hard to take it all in at once. Interesting production on this album. I am not 100% sure of what I think about this one quite yet. I need to give it more listens. It has some really great moments though.

A great change from a band that imo started off with two bad albums.
Décadent;5765357 said:
Listen to Inquisitors of Satan. That album is utterly spellbinding. SMRC can be just too much to compute in one go, and the grandosity is too overt. I like the subtlety of IoS much more.

Yes, I love Inquisitors of Satan.

I was going to mention it but decided to keep the post to the discussion of one album.

Edit: The post made me want to listen to IOS again, so I am. I have decided I don't really love it. I do enjoy it, just not as much as I remembered.
Yes, I love Inquisitors of Satan.

I was going to mention it but decided to keep the post to the discussion of one album.

Edit: The post made me want to listen to IOS again, so I am. I have decided I don't really love it. I do enjoy it, just not as much as I remembered.

I think you'll find it's very mood-based. If you listen to it without being in the right mood, one in which to notice the subtlety of it, it comes across as bland. The alternative is that it blows your mind.
I beleive it. I remember loving it, then I started listening to it because of the discussion and it does not seem as enjoyable. I still give it a thumbs up though.

Succubus Of All Vices is a fucking great song . :kickass:
Decadence is the best ;)

But yeah, next week you might listen to it again and remember why you adored it. An album as confusing as your average relationship.
Just dug up the Nyktalgia s/t. The first song is still fantastic, which surprised me. The rest of the album is still a bit on the dull side.
The song Inquisitors of Satan is also very kick ass. I am definitely going to listen to this again soon, in the proper mood. I am enjoying the second half much more than I enjoyed the first. The first half must of forced the mood into me.
i listened to my two dimmu cds today........................ and i'm going to get rid of them soon. theres a few good songs on them, i dont deny, but it just wasn't extreme enough for me. I usually don't care about looking for extreme music, but dimmu just felt too watered down after listening to dissection, of all bands.

i like blackened thrash, and am interested in early black metal, but i have zero interest in checking out currect black metal. there's waaaaaay too many new bands to check out and I rather collect my favorite styles than to dive into something i'm not as fond of.

i'm drunk, sorry if i dont make sense