Black Metal.

1349=The year the black plague came to Norway. It killed between a third and two-thirds of Europe's population and including Middle Eastern lands, India and China, killed at least 75 million people in all.
Never would have guessed you were a 1349 fan Hubster.

I love 1349. Hellfire is one of the more "furiously" demonic, and dark albums around. Not a groundbreaker by any means, but excellent for what it is. Seamless execution! Reminds me of the temple with all the fire and slaves in it from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (great film ftw :kickass:)

Anyone else think the finland black metal scene is the best? Bands like satanic warmaster, behexen, clandestine blaze and sargeist are simply amazing.

I don't know about the best... it's hard to say which country is the best now, all have their pluses and minuses (even America has pluses now :D )

Behexen and Clandestine Blaze though... DAMN! Brilliant bands.

Is there some hidden meaning behind 1349? I'm sure they didnt just pick 4 random numbers for a band name...or did they?

Black Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finland doesn't have nearly the quality to back up the quantity of bands, unfortunately. And Sargeist is all kinds of suck.