Black Metal.

Behemoth-Grom is a good black metal release. Bloodthorn-In The Shadow Of Your Black Wings is an excellent, excellent album. Great slow, pounding, atmospheric stuff. And it must be good for me to like it, because that is basically the opposite of what I like in black metal. I usually prefer the likes of Emperor, Immortal, 1349, Darkthrone, etc. Check it out.
To eventually answer the question I've raised half a dozen times in this thread alone:

Proclamation - Advent of the Black Omen is a quality release. Doesn't quite top the new Archgoat for me tho, which is certainly a fucking killer release.
I think V:28 is vastly underrated...they create some really original and interesting music. they definitely take black metal out of its normal environment.

Mort, you might want to check them out
Never would have guessed you were a 1349 fan Hubster. They are alright I guess. I have only heard some tracks off of myspace fan pages and stuff though. Saw them live with Celtic Frost but the sound was bad so they just sounded like a blur of noise.
Anyone else think the finland black metal scene is the best? Bands like satanic warmaster, behexen, clandestine blaze and sargeist are simply amazing.