Black Metal.

Hmm your right that finland does have a lot of generic black metal bands but still almost all my favourite bands are from there and my pick for second favourite country for modern black metal would be france.
Quite a year, I'd say.

1349 Events:

* January 9 - The Jewish population of Basel, Switzerland is rounded up and incinerated, believed by the residents to be the cause of the ongoing bubonic plague.
* February 14 - On Valentine's Day, 2,000 Jews are burned to death in Strasbourg.
* August 24 - Black Death outbreak in Elbing (modern-day Elbląg in Poland).
* October 20 - Pope Clement VI publishes a papal bull that condemns the Flagellants.
* The Black Death is spread to Norway when an English ship with everyone dead on board floats to Bergen.
* The Black Death comes to Tønsberg.

Well, still I wish my post said 666 next to it even then. I could do that because I'm mod, but I won't. Because then I'd be a Nazi.
The only NSBM bands I know are Gontyna Kry, Dub Buk, Temnozor, Astrofaes, and Hate Forest...I'm not even sure if all of those are considered NSBM, or if Nokturnal Mortum is considered NSBM.
What does everything think of Weakling? Dead as Dreams either gets praised or dismissed without a second thought. Personally I think it's quite a good slab of USBM. I seem to be drifting back towards USBM of late, someone help me!