Black Metal.

What does everything think of Weakling? Dead as Dreams either gets praised or dismissed without a second thought. Personally I think it's quite a good slab of USBM. I seem to be drifting back towards USBM of late, someone help me!

An essential album. If you don't own it, you should be ordering your copy right now.
Does NSBM have a particular sound? Or is it just lyrics.
Mostly lyrics. And the actual sound is more rough and 'dry', but not always. Plus sometimes they just put some parts of old national. marches in their songs, sounds pretty interesting :D Listen to Geimhre.
^ yes.

Does NSBM have a particular sound? Or is it just lyrics.

The difference is more so ideological and philosophical. The repercussions for this can sometimes result in a more hateful sound, but this is not a rule of thumb.

Another aspect is the result on art (again, not rule of thumb): it can sometimes utilise black red and white (Third Reich colours), sometimes you will see quotes by Nietzche or references to him, and sometimes, more obviously, a Sunwheel (which is not neccessarily a sign of National Socialsm, but is used to express it in pro-white circles).
^ yes.

The difference is more so ideological and philosophical. The repercussions for this can sometimes result in a more hateful sound, but this is not a rule of thumb.

Another aspect is the result on art (again, not rule of thumb): it can sometimes utilise black red and white (Third Reich colours), sometimes you will see quotes by Nietzche or references to him, and sometimes, more obviously, a Sunwheel (which is not neccessarily a sign of National Socialsm, but is used to express it in pro-white circles).
And some NSBM contains more folk elements it seems than non-NSBM black metal.

But this could probably be attributed more to Nationalist Black Metal (were I to describe it correctly), of which there is plenty. (And note, Nationalist isn't negative, in fact it's just the many bands we see using their country and cultures as an influence).
Dornenreich, not German in country origin (it is Austrian) but all of the lyrics are in German.

Herr Von Welken Nachten is fantastic.