Black Metal.

Necromantia, Varathron, Nocternity,Rotting Christ and Macabre Omen are all great and Septic Flesh are very good. I did emphasize QUALITY. And it's just an opinion. So if you diasagree then just don'r give a fuck about it:)
Necromantia, Varathron, Nocternity,Rotting Christ and Macabre Omen are all great and Septic Flesh are very good. I did emphasize QUALITY. And it's just an opinion. So if you diasagree then just don'r give a fuck about it:)

I don't think Septic Flesh is black metal at all...are they? ...but then again, I haven't heard much from them.
I saw that CD today for fucking 7 bucks used...I passed it up! What the fuck is wrong with me!? I'll get it next time.
Christ, if your signature doesn't prove that you're a raging homosexual then this comment does.

Taake is utter garbage for simpletons that are trying to convince themselves that they're listening to something intelligent. An utter charade.

Hah, you can think so mang, but Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik is fantastic and as far as I'm concerned one of the best BM releases from out of Norwegian borders.
I think I prefer the old style (Pentagram, Under the Sign of Hell & The Antichrist), but King's work with Gorgoroth is still good.

And Taake are great, favourite album being Hordaland Doedskvad.
black metal is my favorite genre, i'm sort of new to it but ill be seeing
i saw goatwhore yesterday though.
Dark Funeral Enslaved Abigail Williams