Black Metal.

Someone burning down a church is not any different than christians not minding their own business and preaching. The difference is the level of action that is taken place. This being wrong or right is subjective, just because christians are not putting you in a torture device does not make preacing any less right or wrong than someone burning down a church. People have different measures of action they take regarding religion and obviously the opposition is going to say it's wrong because the were a target.
Can we get back on the topic of black metal? Why does this always happen? Are people really incapable of keeping on such a streamlined topic?
Ok, what region of the world do you prefer black metal? Scandinavian has done the best for me though Eastern Europe and USBM has produced good black metal as well.
France and perhaps Sweden have some of the best current BM acts. Though, Katharsis is German and their new album rules...
Can we get back on the topic of black metal? Why does this always happen? Are people really incapable of keeping on such a streamlined topic?

These issues are entirely intertwined with the issue of Black Metal. Not only that, but conversations naturally evolve and move on to other subjects. I see nothing wrong whatsoever with the way that this thread has developed. :zombie:
Ok, what region of the world do you prefer black metal? Scandinavian has done the best for me though Eastern Europe and USBM has produced good black metal as well.
In my (small) black metal collection, USBM is the most well represented, but I can't say I've developed a favorite.

Also an expansion of this: What do people think of the Asian black metal scene?
I agree wholly. Though there's been good scenes other than that.

The early 90s Norwegian scene produced great bands and albums, but I can't even begin to compare a single album released in that time period (in terms of quality) to something such as Romances, Spicilege, or Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice.
The early 90s Norwegian scene produced great bands and albums, but I can't even begin to compare a single album released in that time period (in terms of quality) to something such as Romances, Spicilege, or Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice.

Are you kidding me?
The early 90s Norwegian scene produced great bands and albums, but I can't even begin to compare a single album released in that time period (in terms of quality) to something such as Romances, Spicilege, or Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice.
I'll check out more in-depth French black metal, I've heard a little from each scene, just not a whole lot from certain ones.