Black Metal.

Fans of Taake (who also appreciate Iron Maiden) will appreciate Gjenferdsel.



A bit of a lesser known gem this album. Norsk Black Metal with a more 80's edge to it (and you can actually hear the bass, which is quite well played and well textured!) and the subtle use of timechanges every now and then. Nice tremolo picking also.

The album has melody, but not to the point of ruining it. Medium to fast pace Black Metal with 1349 styled vocals.

Not a groundbreaking album, but a solid one nevertheless.
What are peoples thought on National Socialism and Racism in black metal? I believe it's a logical step in the black metal world. I tend not to be overly racist, but I'm not a fan of jews (they're worse then christians cause jews originated the whole thing). I dunno though. Opinions?
I knew this would come up sooner or later :)

Let's discuss it, but try not to lert this get out of hand people, we have a great thread running here, everyone has made a great contribution to it.


It is a very tough topic this one, and much of it is based on personal interpretation and personal racially based views.

I myself am an English born Indian Sikh, living in Australia (those of you here who know me in UM already know this). I have a huge intolerance for racism, I've experienced a lot of it myself.

I've always been a supporter of multiculturalism, I have no grudges with any races, but I probably have more grudges against religions, namely Christianity and Islam. I live in an area which is largely Jewish and Israeli, among many other cultures.

Buying my first Burzum album was a long process of deep thought. I had to really think about my motives for it. In the end, I concluded that my main focus was the music itself, and we all know that Burzum the band is not National Socialist Black Metal, but Vikernes the poltical figure is a National Socialist of sorts.

With this in mind, I don't feel guilty for the Burzum shirt I just bought and proudly wore yesterday. In the end, it is Black Metal I continue to support, and not the racism in it.

There is a huge irony with National Socialist Black Metal at the moment: most of the National Socialist Black Metal these days comes from Poland, the very place which we all know was deeply persecuted by Nazis. I find it extremely stupid that so much National Socialist Black Metal comes from there, let alone from anywhere.

I do understand the motive behind National Socialist Black Metal musicians, it is because they seek to express their need for their cultures and races to be kept intact, and not destroyed by multiculturalism.

I can understand this, we have many mixed marriages in my race, but the fact is that things are changing. It is overall positive imo becauase at the end of the day, we are PEOPLE, and PEOPLE need to be together and have respect for their differences.

The reality of a Fourth Reich is a stupid dream. it will be tolerated even less than the Third Reich was, but of course, you can not eradicate peoples opinions.

I have little respect for National Socialist Black Metal. It seems, that in recent times, even some of its own musicians are coming to the realisation that their anger is based on something which is not realistic. Rob Darken (Graveland) in recent interviews is clearly trying to detach himself from the National Socialist Black Metal scene. Drudkh have *hints* of National Socialism, but it is extremely diluted in comparison to what their members did in Hate Forest.

These people are much better off as artists to express a higher purpose, and in more intelligent ways. But I think they are also growing older, maturing, and coming to accept that there are differences in this world we must simply accept as part of our attempt as humans to live a harmonious existence.

As a result of my personal beliefs, there is no excuse to hate another race. I do not hate Germans because they have a Nazi past, after all, it was not all of them, and even the soldiers of the Third Reich were sickened by the concentration camps themselves. Many ended up mad and deranged from what they saw.

I have watched many documentaries about WWII in recent times. Seeing what the Jews went through is the ultimate insult to HUMANITY. It is disgusting, immoral, abhorant. Words cannot describe how sickening it is. It is impossible to watch the footage and not shed tears for the innocent elderly, disabled, men, women, pregnant women and children who died naked in cold bricked chambers for no reason other than their ethnicity.

Overall I find National Socialist Black Metal and racial intolerance extremely immature. To me, all it conveys is teenaged angst, sooking boys who can't have their fucking own way. Grow up.

Cultural pride (a large topic all its own) for the most part is okay, to me it is a far more intelligent and mature way to express ones individuality. I don't see why it's wrong to celebrate your culture, your folks stories, myths, art, architecture and gods. Even more so, I see Black Metal as the ultimate modern art expression for these things, to me, Black Metal's higher purpose *IS* for things such as this. We see Negura Bunget, Drudkh and Darkestrah among others achieving this with their fantastic art.

To me I almost view this expression in Black Metal as a new wave of Black Metal in itself, but right now it is so small scale that most may not notice it.

I do not see National Socialism in Black Metal as a logical step. It is a step which should never have been taken. National Socialism in Black Metal is a fucking trend, and thus has the lowest stature in Black Metal.
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I'm also a English born Indian. And I've also suffered from considerable racism from all sides of London. However I don't discriminate against race, and indeed I only find myself hating the conservative approach of many religions. Nationalist black metal is just vessel for opinion, which I think augments the very notion of music. Afterall music is meant to be a conduit for thought and concepts. Racism in music therefore doesn't bother me at all.
i'd say the reason Polish and Ukrainian kids play NSBM is because 1) kids want to rebel, and 2) metal kids want to rebel through shock, and, tho i'm assuming since i've not been there, 3) the most unwelcome images one could conjure in Eastern Europe are probably NS related ones, not because their societies specifically reject racism like America or England do, but more because they reject Hitler the dictator and Deutschland Uber Alles and all...

the kids like the look and the gimmick of it. the actual hate is a side-effect. and "racism" doesn't mean a whole lot to a kid when everyone they know is white, lemme tell you... it's like "oh, yeah, my pals, sure, fuck em... jews? eh, dont know many, but sure, they're crap too..."
It's a shame we've had no one post in this thread from those areas. It would be interesting to have their description of what the climate of Nationalism in their regions is like in regards to this.
^ Heya Crimson, did you hit Øyafestivalen in 2006?

I got the televised performance of Enslaved from that festival, an excellent performance imo (the sky also looked great during that gig footage, you can see a storm coming, and by the end of the gig it's raining).

Was strange to see Arve onstage going nuts one minute, and then the next you see all these families with their picnic gear on the grass :lol:
^ Heya Crimson, did you hit Øyafestivalen in 2006?

I got the televised performance of Enslaved from that festival, an excellent performance imo (the sky also looked great during that gig footage, you can see a storm coming, and by the end of the gig it's raining).

Was strange to see Arve onstage going nuts one minute, and then the next you see all these families with their picnic gear on the grass :lol:
Haha that sounds sick

Is it possible for you to upload that gig, :err:
^ Heya Crimson, did you hit Øyafestivalen in 2006?

I got the televised performance of Enslaved from that festival, an excellent performance imo (the sky also looked great during that gig footage, you can see a storm coming, and by the end of the gig it's raining).

Was strange to see Arve onstage going nuts one minute, and then the next you see all these families with their picnic gear on the grass :lol:

Haha, no, I didn't even know they were playing! I saw them just a couple of months ago, though, at a small venue. It was pretty f'in cool! I used to know Kjetil about a decade ago, and I sort of reacquainted with him this summer at Hole in the Sky festival, so I was backstage with him before the show. Haha, I felt so silly! I haven't been a part of the black metal 'scene' in years.. He's apparently a huge Keep of Kalessin fan, though... :ill:

I was at Øya the year Immortal played, though! That was pretty rockin', and even more bizarre! :lol:
A good friend of mine moved to Stavanger with his gf about 6 months ago from here.

He is also a huge Black Metal enthusiast, not to mention a big Enslaved fan. The bastard has seen them 3 times now. If he knew you know Grutle, he'd go nuts. :)'

I would love to come and visit there some day. It would be beautiful to see the countryside.
Absolutey! Bergen is the most beautiful city in all of Norway, and the surrounding fjords are incredible. Not of the same caliber as the ones to the north, but still worth catching...
^I thought the same thing, why are you going to be racist when the only people you know are white.

kind of reminds me of this dude I knew from Relapse that said, "you don't live with blacks, so why make an anti-racist action group" (in regards to this other dude who was European and a member of ARA)