Black Metal.

It's quite simple.

I bought TH first and thought it was shit, and then never bought another Darkthrone album becuase I don't want to waste my money on something that I know I won't like.
Was it the vocals that turned you off? I had trouble adjusting to Fenriz's vocals at first, themn after a couple listens they were cool.
Transilvanian Hunger is the most overrated Black Metal album of the Second Wave. Not that it's bad (in fact, it's excellent), but it's also not one of the greatest albums of all time. A lot of the final product of that album was done intentionally to piss off their record label, and had nothing to do with artistic merit. Under A Funeral Moon is their Black Metal hallmark album.

I've always felt that A Blaze In Northern Skys was their best.
Slagged by some, but in my opinion a fantastic album boasting some of the coldest music Black Metal has in it's repertoire.


Features, vocally, the thinnest and sharpest sound from Abbath ever recorded imo.

I'm pretty sure Hellhammer did the drumming on this record (he was in the video for Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms). Nevertheless, I find the drumming on this record to be excellent... not so much technically, but rather it "coats" the music beautifully, providing a blasted sheet of snow over an already nice cold production.

An album which perfectly conveys Demonaz's vision of their fantasy kingdom of Blashyrkh.

A great, and underrated album.
It's quite simple.

I bought TH first and thought it was shit, and then never bought another Darkthrone album becuase I don't want to waste my money on something that I know I won't like.

Well, that is a very bad reason, seeing as TH is very unlike everything else they have ever done. I highly recommend you give Under A Funeral Moon a chance. It is my favorite and their best imo.
Well, that is a very bad reason, seeing as TH is very unlike everything else they have ever done. I highly recommend you give Under A Funeral Moon a chance. It is my favorite and their best imo.

I was unaware of this at the time. I might download some stuff now.
I know they're well liked (probably loved), but what are some opinions on Emperor.

In the Nightside Eclipse is the only album by them that I have ever bothered listening to, I thought it was pretty damn good. How about the other stuff?
In The Nightside Eclipse is among the greatest albums to come out of Norway. Emperor/Wrath Of The Tyrant are some pretty great early raw renditions of Nordic Black Metal. Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk is a somewhat interesting album, though more ambitious than good. After that, I don't really care.
I really like the Emperor Ep. Magic gnomes scratched the shit out of my Wrath of The Tyrant disk. That is my only explanation. One day I took it out of its case and it was all fucked up. Have yet to replace it.