Black Metal.

blaze/funeral/TH were more artistically compelling than 99% of anything that's ever been called "metal". if you don't like that stuff, you're either badly missing their point or badly missing a much greater point of music/art appreciation.
blaze/funeral/TH were more artistically compelling than 99% of anything that's ever been called "metal". if you don't like that stuff, you're either badly missing their point or badly missing a much greater point of music/art appreciation.

That or they just don't like the music. And saying it's more "artistically" compelling than 99% of metal is a complete false statement, and shows you have missed out on a lot.

edit: I would say it's more artistically compelling than 80% of metal, that's still a shit load. Soulside Journey is my favorite album by them, though it's not their BM.
you're completely wrong and cannot backup any of your statements nor challenge any of mine with any kind of authority. stfu plz.

using "personal taste" as an excuse for not understanding something that is spectacular is lame and sad.
Actually you're being an ignorant fool that can't look pass your own personal views so stfu.

It's pretty obvious if you have ever been a metalhead that there is A LOT of stuff more artistic then fucking Darkthrone. Ex. Demigod, Demilich, Skepticism, Black Sabbath, a million more bands.

edit: Plus there was nothing to back up.
none of those bands are in any conceivable way whatsofuckingever more "artistic" than darkthrone. they may be "better" "metal bands", but they're still just guitar music and nothing deeper. what darkthrone, burzum, and a few others pioneered (the minimalism and layering of eletronic music reproduced with "rock" instruments) was a revolutionary artistic concept the likes of which had never before and not since been seen in any genre of "metal". period. period period period fuck black sabbath period.
blaze/funeral/TH were more artistically compelling than 99% of anything that's ever been called "metal". if you don't like that stuff, you're either badly missing their point or badly missing a much greater point of music/art appreciation.

It's probably a little bit of both, but this doesn't bother me, I listen to the music that I enjoy and well... enjoy it. If I'm missing out on another level of music and art, that's ok, because it's not something I strive for.
none of those bands are in any conceivable way whatsofuckingever more "artistic" than darkthrone. they may be "better" "metal bands", but they're still just guitar music and nothing deeper. what darkthrone, burzum, and a few others pioneered (the minimalism and layering of eletronic music reproduced with "rock" instruments) was a revolutionary artistic concept the likes of which had never before and not since been seen in any genre of "metal". period. period period period fuck black sabbath period.

You obvious have never heard of any of the bands I listed.
hes pretty much right though, few metal bands have matched the purity and totality of unified form and concept that darkthrone achieved on transilvanian hunger

they took an incredibly simple yet brilliant idea and delivered it true to their vision and felt no need to add any extra flourish bullshit on top of that, its like one of the least pretentious yet perfectly executed metal albums ever
hes pretty much right though, few metal bands have matched the purity and totality of unification of form and concept that darkthrone achieved on transilvanian hunger

I acknowledge this, but saying it's more artistic than 99% of metal is very wrong.

edit: Plus the guys of Darkthrone are complete idiots (if you ever seen them talk)
lemme put it this way... all those bands were "artistic" but only within the parameters of rock-based music produced specifically for consumption by fans of the "metal scene", whereas Transilvanian Hunger is "artistic" like a John Zorn record or an abstract work of sculpture. it's "high art", complete with a backstory and a superhuman "aura", art that functions as part of the greater capital-A "Art" world, versus "low art" that is only aware of itself and it's immediate contemporaries. sometimes situations like that can produce great things, but rarely in the music format. generally performance art can benefit from stylistic isolation. in music, it just brings ignorance and low standards.
blaze/funeral/TH were more artistically compelling than 99% of anything that's ever been called "metal". if you don't like that stuff, you're either badly missing their point or badly missing a much greater point of music/art appreciation.

I acknowledge this, but saying it's more artistic than 99% of metal is very wrong.

edit: Plus the guys of Darkthrone are complete idiots (if you ever seen them talk)

Actually, Fenriz is a very intelligent individual, with a unique sense of irony and sense of humour, that just happens to translate very poorly. He's also a walking musica-encyclopedia (unlike you).

i used to love it but now i find boring. Half the bands cant play there interments and they all sound the same.