Black Metal.

Any thoughts on Kataxu people? It is pure National Socialist Black Metal.

In summary: Imagine ATTWAD period Emperor, but lessen the melody, and using more sweeping usage of keys (plus actual clear piano at times).

The latest album Hunger of Elements is actually a very beautiful album. Reviews here.
Cool, I need to check them out, do they use clean vox like Emperor did on Anthems?
No. From this album, I gather it is all Black Metal vocal style.

The scale of their sound overall is far more epic, more grand than that of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, or perhaps certain parts of Borknagar's Quintessence album. I dare say as well, that I noticed more use of minor key, or perhaps that songs are written in a way so that minor key is more prevalent.

While the same core characteristics are there, it is done in such a way as to make it unique.

You can buy the album at Supernal Music.

Zephyrus: if you're reading, I highly recommend you also check out Kataxu. (however, this myspace site doesn't have decent samples of material from the latest album.
No. From this album, I gather it is all Black Metal vocal style.

The scale of their sound overall is far more epic, more grand than that of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, or perhaps certain parts of Borknagar's Quintessence album.

While the same core characteristics are there, it is done in such a way as to make it unique.

You can buy the album at Supernal Music.

Zephyrus: if you're reading, I highly recommend you also check out Kataxu mate.

I've made note of it and I'll check it out.
Raw is good and all. I have a bit of it. But most of it get's repetitive. For a non-repetitive great band check out Triskèle's "...les murmures de la forêt...". It was completly recorded in a forest and has great atmospheric raw primitive feel. I rather enjoyed it.