Black Metal.

My copy of Hekel's "De Dodenvaart" (2006) from the Netherlands will soon be arriving in the mail courtesy of Steve from Heaven Ablaze, support this guy, especially if you're in AU! Great prices.

I wish Hekel had chosen a better cover photo though, the ninja thing is NOT good:


I will upload a song from it when it arrives: fans of Burzum, Weakling and mid-paced "torturous" Black Metal overall will like it I think. It's quite good.

A taste is here (low quality). A review is here.

Bookmark that site people. Excellent reviews.
^ LOL it is! I have no idea why he chose to use that as a album cover photo, but he did. Oh well - the music is definitely anything but crap.
Hubster said:
courtesy of Steve from Heaven Ablaze, support this guy, especially if you're in AU! Great prices.

Try as I might, I never seem able to score hauls from there. Always broke when I consider it. I've offered him free advertising though, we'll see if he wants to take it up.

Hubster said:
I will upload a song from it when it arrives: fans of Burzum, Weakling and mid-paced "torturous" Black Metal overall will like it I think.

I dislike seeing Burzum and Weakling in the same sentence. For people to imply that there is any similarity between the two on account of the "crowed" vocals, are missing some pretty big points.
It was more so on the point of the characteristics of each band and how they relate to Hekel, not because Burzum and Weakling are similar as such. We have to remember that there are some people out there who have heard neither band in great amounts.
Décadent;5740250 said:
Try as I might, I never seem able to score hauls from there. Always broke when I consider it. I've offered him free advertising though, we'll see if he wants to take it up.

Definitely worth trying to get him some more support. Steve is very helpful and humble, and very dedicated to Black Metal.