Black Metal.

Actually, Fenriz is a very intelligent individual, with a unique sense of irony and sense of humour, that just happens to translate very poorly. He's also a walking musica-encyclopedia (unlike you).

I love Darkthrone and all, but sometimes Fenriz comes off as an asshole.
internment can be played by...

a bit of this:


and a bit of that:

@Teh Grimace:
I find it inronic that you used to criticize me for writing several replies in a row and yet you are notorious for having gigantic sigs and posts full of empty space like the one above.:rolleyes:
I dont like "true blackmetal" that much, i prefer bands that are like between black metal and something else=/ though i havent heard so much black metal..
hes pretty much right though, few metal bands have matched the purity and totality of unified form and concept that darkthrone achieved on transilvanian hunger

they took an incredibly simple yet brilliant idea and delivered it true to their vision and felt no need to add any extra flourish bullshit on top of that, its like one of the least pretentious yet perfectly executed metal albums ever
Yes, and I guess it proves you don't have to be great at guitar to produce great albums, though I prefer more complex riffing than the usual Darkthrone. I've talked to people who played Transilvanian Hunger on their first day learning guitar, but that's not to say just because it's simple it sucks. It's one of my favorite black metal riffs actually.
if you dont like early darkthrone you dont get blackmetal

I completely disagree. And Benjamin, I'm sorry but I don't think you're in a position to tell us what we do and don't get about Black Metal.

Darkthrone is imo just trash. I respect the influence they may have had on people, and their importance in the scene, but I get no inspiration from their music. It is dull, boring and utterly lifeless.
I completely disagree. And Benjamin, I'm sorry but I don't think you're in a position to tell us what we do and don't get about Black Metal.

Darkthrone is imo just trash. I respect the influence they may have had on people, and their importance in the scene, but I get no inspiration from their music. It is dull, boring and utterly lifeless.

So in other words... Ben is right you don't get black metal.
While I agree with WW to a certain extent, I think The Hubster understands Black Metal just fine. Probably better than most people here I would say.
Darkthrone is imo just trash. I respect the influence they may have had on people, and their importance in the scene, but I get no inspiration from their music. It is dull, boring and utterly lifeless.

Indeed, I feel the same way about them.
Transilvanian Hunger is the most overrated Black Metal album of the Second Wave. Not that it's bad (in fact, it's excellent), but it's also not one of the greatest albums of all time. A lot of the final product of that album was done intentionally to piss off their record label, and had nothing to do with artistic merit. Under A Funeral Moon is their Black Metal hallmark album.
I don't get how you can like Black Metal and not appreciate and enjoy Under a Funeral Moon and TH

It's quite simple.

I bought TH first and thought it was shit, and then never bought another Darkthrone album becuase I don't want to waste my money on something that I know I won't like.