Black Metal.

Cool, I checked out Nortt who's in your avatar, good, but I like Xasthur better from what I've heard.

Sorry I didn't see this post previously.

Good stuff for checking out Nortt man. The first three demos (now unavailable, but I do have them) are the most Black Metal influenced.

Personally, even though all of Nortt's material is excellent, I find the first three demos the most unique overall. The Black Metal characteristics are very strong, but all of the structuring is funeral doom. There is less melody (a characteristic in Black Metal which I find when used too much goes against it's principles).

I find that with doom in general these days (e.g. Saturnus for example) there is much more melody, which lends the music more romanticism. When used too much it gets cheesy. Nortt overall avoids this entirely, but even more so with the first three demos. However, I highly recommend you sell your house to get your hands on the entire discography :) It's very well worth it.

Xasthur on the other hand is a different story. While both Xasthur and Nortt utilise minimalism, they both do so by speaking through different "vehicles": Nortt does so through a combination of minimalism, Black Metal and funeral doom, while Xasthur does so with minimalism, noise and Black Metal. Especially with Xasthur, the (lack of) production lends even more to the overall atmosphere.

I urge you to give Nortt another go, but make sure you separate these two bands apart, overall there is little to make them parallel. I'm happy to share the old deleted demo's (most notably, Døden which is a phenomenal piece of work).
Sorry I didn't see this post previously.

Good stuff for checking out Nortt man. The first three demos (now unavailable, but I do have them) are the most Black Metal influenced.

Personally, even though all of Nortt's material is excellent, I find the first three demos the most unique overall. The Black Metal characteristics are very strong, but all of the structuring is funeral doom. There is less melody (a characteristic in Black Metal which I find when used too much goes against it's principles).

I find that with doom in general these days (e.g. Saturnus for example) there is much more melody, which lends the music more romanticism. When used too much it gets cheesy. Nortt overall avoids this entirely, but even more so with the first three demos. However, I highly recommend you sell your house to get your hands on the entire discography :) It's very well worth it.

Xasthur on the other hand is a different story. While both Xasthur and Nortt utilise minimalism, they both do so by speaking through different "vehicles": Nortt does so through a combination of minimalism, Black Metal and funeral doom, while Xasthur does so with minimalism, noise and Black Metal. Especially with Xasthur, the (lack of) production lends even more to the overall atmosphere.

I urge you to give Nortt another go, but make sure you separate these two bands apart, overall there is little to make them parallel. I'm happy to share the old deleted demo's (most notably, Døden which is a phenomenal piece of work).
I'll give Nortt another shot, I'm trying to get into these obscure black metal bands that people tell me of, I post on another board(Metal Hordes board) with a predominantly black metal fan group where nearly everyone there is a musician of some sort. I'd like to hear some Drudkh as well, haven't heard them yet.:mad:
I saw Filosofem at the store yesterday for 20 fucking dollars. Is there any particular reason why Burzum albums are so expensive?
I saw Filosofem at the store yesterday for 20 fucking dollars. Is there any particular reason why Burzum albums are so expensive?
I thoughr the same thing as well, all Burzum CD's are at least 20 $ on Amazon, you're better off buying from The End Records, about the most aBurzum CD there is 15 $, I'll probably get some Burzum off The End later.:)
US band, not orthodox Satanic, but still total blasphemy/anti Christian. Raw shit.

The demo "A Procession of Flagellants" should be out in the next few weeks. I'll upload a track shortly, but apparently the demo tracks were re-recorded and have better sound.
Décadent;5737704 said:
US band, not orthodox Satanic, but still total blasphemy/anti Christian. Raw shit.

The demo "A Procession of Flagellants" should be out in the next few weeks. I'll upload a track shortly, but apparently the demo tracks were re-recorded and have better sound.

I downloaded a few tracks off of soundclick or some kind of website like that. They're pretty good.
Décadent;5737704 said:
US band, not orthodox Satanic, but still total blasphemy/anti Christian. Raw shit.

The demo "A Procession of Flagellants" should be out in the next few weeks. I'll upload a track shortly, but apparently the demo tracks were re-recorded and have better sound.

I look fwd to this.
^ as cliche as the above "true" sounds (nothing personal evil miscreant, but it would sound cliche if any one of us said it), I have to agree man.

Keys etc in BM are fine, but for gods sake don't let it dominate the music and use it to enhance things in the music. Too much melody as well creates a more relaxed feel in BM, which is totally against its ideals.

So no Demon Burgers for me either thanks, I prefer chicken.
Any thoughts on Kataxu people? It is pure National Socialist Black Metal.

In summary: Imagine ATTWAD period Emperor, but lessen the melody, and using more sweeping usage of keys (plus actual clear piano at times).

The latest album Hunger of Elements is actually a very beautiful album. Reviews here.