Black Metal.

Today I finally bought Burzum: Hliðskjálf.

Funny that I have bought this so late, considering I love Burzum so much (although for some reason, it's also been hard to find in the stores).

This album is the only one I haven't heard before, and listening to it now I can only say it is jaw dropping.

A shame Vikernes is a tad wobbly in the head, because musically he is quite simply, a god.
^Bought that a few months ago while i was Japan, except i just traded it :erk:
Although i liked it, i'm more interested Burzum's early work and i can't say i'm a huge fan of ambience.
Hlidskjalf has some great moments, and it's overall a pretty good release. But if anyone wants to check out some amazing, and incredible dark ambient, then check out Kammarheit's "The Starwheel." Also look into the record label Cyclic Law.
I think his ambient material is as much a part of Burzum as the previous albums were. If he gets his parole in 2008 (and someone in Norway doesn't kill him first) I have no doubt he will continue to make excellent Black Metal.
Black Metal I enjoy.

Celtic Frost -morbid tales,to mega therion
Mercyful Fate -melissa
Mayhem -de mysteriis dom sathanas
Diabolical Masquerade-the phantom lodge,nightwork
Sacramentum -far away from the sun
Dissection -the somberlain,storm of the lights bane(death or black... who cares)
Lord Belial-kiss the goat,enter the moonlight gate
Unanimated -ancient god of evil,in the forest... (look at dissection)
Burzum -det som en gang var, s/t,aske,etc...
Immortal -diabolical fullmoon mysticism,pure holocaust
Bathory-the return
Black Metal has some of the most amazing records, but is also filles with useless shit... maybe more then other subgenres.
It is full of contrasts ;)

I think the really great stuff is mostly from the old 2nd wave bands and albums.
I am open for recent works, but there are only a few that are really good and i can't think of any that fit in my definition of a classic.
I think the really great stuff is mostly from the old 2nd wave bands and albums.
I am open for recent works, but there are only a few that are really good and i can't think of any that fit in my definition of a classic.

You just have to look harder, and find more of the obscure bands - those are the bands releasing the better albums. And I think there's a lot of potential classic albums that have recently been released, but I don't really consider anything that's only been around for a short period of time to be a classic. Also it seems like a lot of people say it was a bad year for metal - but not at all, there were quite a few killer black metal albums released as well.
Hlidskjalf has some great moments, and it's overall a pretty good release. But if anyone wants to check out some amazing, and incredible dark ambient, then check out Kammarheit's "The Starwheel." Also look into the record label Cyclic Law.

Burzum, Aske, or Burzum/Aske (preferably) ftw.
Black Metal has some of the most amazing records, but is also filles with useless shit... maybe more then other subgenres.
It is full of contrasts ;)
Very true. Many of my favorite CDs are black metal. But it also sometimes happens that I decide to check out a black metal band, and it is so boring that I can't even listen to the whole CD (a good example of this is the debut full-length by the new bm band Funeral Procession).