Black Metal.

I've recently listened to the album Lands of Ancient Cult by Cyhiriaeth. Maybe I'll write a review if I have some time. As to Hubster's review. Great review of the CD. I have that album and I can completly agree with your feelings of it being more of an experiance then an album per say. Great review.
Décadent;5722279 said:
I can think of a far higher number of bland generic black metal bands than any other genre.

There are also a lot who don't make very generic music, but it's fucking pointless because it's so damn raw. I swear, if Moonblood didn't record their music with a Crayola Tape Recorder from 50 feet away then they would probably be one of my favorite Black Metal bands.
Black metal at it's very core is melodic :| but Lifelover - Pulver, Alcest - Le Secret, Sun of the Sleepless - split with Nachtmar, Amesoeurs - Ruines Humaines, and Melencolia Estatica - s/t, Mystic Forest - Romances
One of lesser known, yet best Black Metal releases of 2006. Buy it people, you won't be sorry (available through Supernal).

Hateful with chainsaw production, and a snarled thin shrieking vocal style. MGŁA is a band with a strong future ahead, thanks to their inclusion on the "Crushing The Holy Trinity" Compilation along with Deathspell Omega and Clandestine Blaze.


Yeah true.

I know some people (well, I've experienced this in the Opeth forum anyway) think that the way Black Metal is described by labels is funny, but I find it refreshing, and far more accurate.