Black Metal.

totally disagree with the above. black metal is often contrived and boring and lacks execution. when done well, i agree it is quite phenomenal, but other forms of metal can be just as rewarding and often, more so.
I like most black metal bands I hear, Dissection are my favorite (1st 2 albums)

Then there's all those poppy black metal bands like Children of Bodom and Cradle of Filth, Which get classified as black metal but don't sound like BM at all, and shouldn't be classified as BM really

Then there's bands like Gorgoroth who can be completely awesome, but some of their stuff I have to say I think is really crap. Kinda inconcistent. Still I'm listening to a roaring DESTROYER - GORGOROTH right now

my least favorite BM band is Darkthrone at the moment, I got a blaze in the northern sky but thought it sounded basically kinda crap in the end, sounds like it came out of a garbage can (productionwise) and the songs just aren't very good. The intro is cool but that's all I can say about that album really.
I like most black metal bands I hear, Dissection are my favorite (1st 2 albums)

Then there's all those poppy black metal bands like Children of Bodom and Cradle of Filth, Which get classified as black metal but don't sound like BM at all, and shouldn't be classified as BM really

Then there's bands like Gorgoroth who can be completely awesome, but some of their stuff I have to say I think is really crap. Kinda inconcistent. Still I'm listening to a roaring DESTROYER - GORGOROTH right now

my least favorite BM band is Darkthrone at the moment, I got a blaze in the northern sky but thought it sounded basically kinda crap in the end, sounds like it came out of a garbage can (productionwise) and the songs just aren't very good. The intro is cool but that's all I can say about that album really.

Well, not to start a debate but Cradle of Filth's early stuff (first 3 albums) had a strong black metal influence but they've always been more of a gothic metal band, demo's were more or less death metal.

As for Children of Bodom, I don't see a single black metal influence in their music. I think most people have a habit of judging a band's genre by the kind vocals - not that genre matters - but its annoying when you've got people who think Arch Enemy is black metal.

And Darkthrone's A Blaze in the Northern Sky album actually has pretty good production for a black metal album, and it was made in 1991.
I like a bit of black metal although it's not my favorite genre ... I'm into some Carpathian Forest (Pretty sure they are black metal .. too many bands to think of haha)
Taake - Hordaland Doedskvad ??

Cheers, thats also directed at demonium :kickass:

I had the picture in my head but i couldn't remember the band or the album names. It has been recommended to me many times so i have to finally look into them... now that i know what i'm looking for :lol:
It took me a long time to like BM, but once I did (very recently), I can't get enough of it and I'll listen to anything I get my hands on. I don't know a quarter of the bands already mentioned, but so far, I've gotten into Diessction, Burzum, Carpathian Forest, Darkthrone, Immortal, Leviathan, Satyricon, Dark Funeral, Setherial, Impiety, Mayhem, Blood Stained Dusk, Borknagar, Absu, Myrddraal, Tsjuder, Craft, Necrodeath, Gorgoroth, Emperor, Ancient, Marduk, A Gruesome Find, Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse, Realm of Carnivora, and Demoncy.
I see a lot of Dark Funeral fans. Though they are alright, and I used them as a sort of gate-way, they're not true black metal. They're quite melo, cliche, and use their image as a media-whore.

I like Dark Funeral, but I wouldn't say they ever truly amazed me. I wouldn't consider their newest album to be black metal, their previous material is but it wouldn't really fit into the "true" variety.

Personally, I never use the term "true black metal" - that term is somewhat asinine and often used as criticism. But what is true black metal? I don't necessarily think it has to do with sound, but more or less the motivation behind it. For example, a black metal band that carries a certain pride in the music they make while retaining traditional black metal principles etc.

Some would argue that it creates a self-barrier and promotes stagnant or limited progression. I think in some cases that is true, but not always. A band like Dimmu Borgir is always criticized for not being "true" black metal as if its a terrible thing but then again, they've never been about this to begin with so I don't see the problem either way.
I really should start making some online purchases, I've been wanting to buy the new Sombre Chemin album, Notre héritage ancestral.
I assume you mean the Singaporean one right? If so, what do you think of them? I'm interested in looking into some Asian black metal other than Japan. The cd I just got, 'Manifest Blasphemy: The Abortion of the Immaculate Conception' by Surrender of Divinity (Thailand) Is OK, but may take some time to get used to.
I assume you mean the Singaporean one right? If so, what do you think of them?

I took a chance and ordered their album Kaos Kommand 696 a couple of days ago. I haven't heard any samples, but here's a link to a review. Once I listen to the album a couple of times, I'll give my input. Kaos Kommand 696: Music: Impiety

Comparable to the brutality of Marduk, but better and more complex. Sounds awesome.

I'm interested in looking into some Asian black metal other than Japan. The cd I just got, 'Manifest Blasphemy: The Abortion of the Immaculate Conception' by Surrender of Divinity (Thailand) Is OK, but may take some time to get used to.

I've heard they're comparable to early Darkthrone/Marduk.
I like Dark Funeral, but I wouldn't say they ever truly amazed me. I wouldn't consider their newest album to be black metal, their previous material is but it wouldn't really fit into the "true" variety.

Their old albums were semi-black metal. I don't consider bands that use their image to gain popularity and to be "oh so kvlt" black metal though. That's what I consider Dark Funeral to be, but alas, that's just my opinion.

Personally, I never use the term "true black metal" - that term is somewhat asinine and often used as criticism. But what is true black metal? I don't necessarily think it has to do with sound, but more or less the motivation behind it. For example, a black metal band that carries a certain pride in the music they make while retaining traditional black metal principles etc.

When I mean true black metal I don't mean "tr00" black metal. True black metal to me is a band that focuses on atmosphere, feeling, emotion, and self-expression, but not just doing it because it's the "thing to do" or "oh so kvlt and tr00". It's a band that takes pride in what they do and are not a bunch of fucking retards about it. I make a few exceptions to the retard rule, look at Mayhem, they realy believed what they were doing, but most of them are still pretty retarded. But still, generally, it's the ideals and the emotion and the atmosphere. I don't believe that Dark Funeral has that.

Some would argue that it creates a self-barrier and promotes stagnant or limited progression. I think in some cases that is true, but not always. A band like Dimmu Borgir is always criticized for not being "true" black metal as if its a terrible thing but then again, they've never been about this to begin with so I don't see the problem either way.

Once again, I don't care about experimentation. I love it actualy. I promote it. But I don't consider bands like Dimmu Borgir to be true black metal. Not because they're "Symphonic", it's because of their ideals. I listen to Dimmu Borgir and thouroughly enjoy them, don't get me wrong, but they use their image and lyrical content to get them mainstream (or semi-mainstream at least) attention. That's not what black metal is about.
Again, great post Thasis. I agree totally.

"True" black metal to me is a philsophical and idealological thing. It extends beyond the boundaries of aural expression and combines with philsophical and idealological expression.

Black Metal to me is the most honest subtype of metal there is. It is not about fun, it is about thought. In some cases it even attempts to express some serious issues.

True Satanic Black Metal for example (which is rare) is akin to religious mass of the 14th and 15th centuries: it is an aural expression of a devotion to a faith, and in the case of bands like Deathspell Omega, well researched and "biblical in an anti-biblical" sense.

Yes, there is a somewhat large amount of "clonery" in Black Metal, as people have said, but the bands which do make it do what they do with precision and intelligence, even if it hides behind arrogance and rebellion.

I don't search for fun, catchy tunes or too much melody in Black Metal. I seek serious, thought provoking music which expresses effectively, even in the case of Enslaved which these days isn't particularly dark. In some ways, the music aspect of Black Metal is almost secondary.

In summary, it is music with objectivity, which to an outsider or newcomer, is marred by the clone bands out there. The issue with Black Metal these days is to sift through that crap , get to the real material, and don't just listen to it, but to experience it, absorb it.
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