Black Metal.

Of Burzum's metal albums, Filosofem is my least favorite, as it is a bit too minimalistic and repetitive for me. Det Som Engang Var is my favorite, followed by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Buzum/Aske.
I ahve to get a Burzum album, still don't have one, I'm not sure which one to get, maybe Filosefem because the 2 songs I've heard off it, Dunkelheit and Jesus' Tod are great.
Of Burzum's metal albums, Filosofem is my least favorite, as it is a bit too minimalistic and repetitive for me. Det Som Engang Var is my favorite, followed by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Buzum/Aske.

if filosofem is more repetitive than hvis lyset tar oss, i am so glad i haven't wasted anymore time with buruzm.

more black metal that hasn't been discussed in ages: MOONBLOOD - BLUT UND KRIEG! I highly recommend it!
New black metal can offer a lot of great stuff... but unfournetly in most cases it's just offering the old stuff in a new format. Not that it doesn't make it great, just unoriginal. But Black Metal has never been about originality. It's about a driving purpose to overthrow the moral ambiguity of christian and judeo-christian religion.
1349 is great but you might wanna try some others such as mayhem emperor immortal mystic circle and so on hailz black metal brothers.-ken
Anyone else like Black Metal, im into the more popular bands such as 1349, Darkthrone, Dark Funearl, Gorgoroth and Dimmu Borgir.
I'll never forget the night I saw 1349 live in manchester, one of the best gigs ever, and when Enslaved were on the lead singer looks straight at me and gives the horns which was wicked.
Theres just something about Black Metal that makes it unique from any other genre, and I'd probobally be lost without it.
^ They both fucking rule :kickass:

My god I'm in love with Der Tod Wuotans (Hliðskjálf). This track is almost enough to crush you into sobs. It's incredibly powerful.
Det Som Engang Var is my personal favourite, maybe because it was the first Burzum I heard, but I'm not completely sure. As far as black metal goes, I tend to like it a lot more than Death metal.
Amazing that no one has mentioned this masterpiece:
