Black Metal.

I find that American bands have this pretentious vibe to them. Maybe pretentious isn't the right word though? Of course, I am well into the whole black metal ideology (etc) but I do get the impression that American bands truly believe they are making some absolutely divine albums that (purposely) place almost all emphasis through the genre’s ideology and understanding and less through aesthetics when really I find that many of them are just Burzum-worshipping fanboys who simply understand the black metal ‘concept’. It's like a damn trend competition in black metal to retain this so-called true aspect which is somewhat contradicting. Black metal is music and a simply form of higher communication but I find the whole other abstract perspective to be blown out of proportion more often than not. If anything, the more widespread this becomes the lesser and lesser valid it is because you get these 'trends' and followers. This ‘aura’ seems to be present more in American black metal than any other scene I find and that I dislike.

Anyways it's almost 1am and I'm rambling on...
I think there's a definite element of truth to what you're saying. I also find that hardcore fans of USBM hail it as the greatest thing since Sabbath recorded a damn album, which is total garbage (seriously folks, bands like Krieg and Nachtmystium are not THAT good). I sound closed-minded but so be it. Tonnes of TRUE Black Metal comes from Europe. There is very little that comes from the US imo.
The US scene is my favorite, but that's because I don't tend to prefer the traditional black metal sound. As you all have said there are only a few good bands, but those are my favorite black metal bands, because the European stuff doesn't connect as well with me. I think some of you (Hubster) are once again making the arrogant US strawman figure. I think myself and MasterOLightning are the biggest fans of USBM here, and I know you will find neither of us "hail it as the greatest thing since Sabbath recorded a damn album".

Serious mate, this time I'm not trying to do the whole anti-US thing (some of you guys are really cool, ok?), but I do think that a pro-US attitude influences the tastes US black metal fans have, perhaps, subconsciously.

You know what - remember ages ago, I did a poll in this forum about where people were from. There was a reason for it, but I didn't explain it at the time...

... During the life of this great thread, I'd noticed a huge amount of praise for what I consider really average Black Metal. I noticed over time that a lot of it happened to be USBM, so I decided to conduct that poll. As it turns out, the majority of posters in that poll happened to be from America. Now, yes, I do realise that there's probably a higher percentage of Americans in UM overall.

It was just a hunch I had, but I wasn't sure, so I did that poll. The results, made possible by everyone here, proved what I thought: that American Black Metal fans are patriotic about USBM.

Now I could be starting a fire here, and honestly, it's not the purpose of me discussing this, but I really believe that this is a (unconscious) characteristic for BM fans from the US.

Sure, someone could turn around and say, "well, do another poll then dude". But how will i know the answers would be honest this time around, considering I've explained my motive for the previous poll?

PS - again, I'm not trying to be anti-US here, just... enjoying discussion is all :)
... During the life of this great thread, I'd noticed a huge amount of praise for what I consider really average Black Metal. I noticed over time that a lot of it happened to be USBM, so I decided to conduct that poll. As it turns out, the majority of posters in that poll happened to be from America. Now, yes, I do realise that there's probably a higher percentage of Americans in UM overall.

It was just a hunch I had, but I wasn't sure, so I did that poll. The results, made possible by everyone here, proved what I thought: that American Black Metal fans are patriotic about USBM.

You probably should have done another poll along the lines of "What is your favorite scene of black metal," with USBM being one of the choices. As it stands, it seems like a bit of a jump from the fact that there are a lot of Americans, to a patriotic stance to our music. For me personally, a band's origin really isn't a huge variable to me liking them. While it might speak for some people I don't think it paints an accurate picture of all or even most American black metal listeners
I do think that a pro-US attitude influences the tastes US black metal fans have, perhaps, subconsciously.

Perhaps - because it "relates" to us more, we can't really relate to lyrics about forests and fjords. I don't know - I don't like alot of USBM, my scene of choice is the French one for sure.
All countries that produce black metal have inevitably come out with bad BM. It's just that yes, USBM seems to have gone a little too far into the shit. European and Asian BM has more of a consistency.
1. Maybe I'm just not aware of it, but I don't really consider the USBM scene to be overrated since it seems to get shat on just as much as it's praised. It's pretty boring overall, but it seems that most people agree with that assessment, so I don't see how it's overrated.

2. Fans from any given band's home country tend to lean slightly toward the 'patriotic' side, it's not just American fans toward American bands.
It was just a hunch I had, but I wasn't sure, so I did that poll. The results, made possible by everyone here, proved what I thought: that American Black Metal fans are patriotic about USBM.

Quite the generalization. Like Mort, my favorite scene is probably the French scene or Eastern Europe. Also, I agree with both of Dodens' points
1. Maybe I'm just not aware of it, but I don't really consider the USBM scene to be overrated since it seems to get shat on just as much as it's praised. It's pretty boring overall, but it seems that most people agree with that assessment, so I don't see how it's overrated.

I feel that the USBM scene is very overrated and the reaction to that is with anything that is overrated is to bring it down, and confront the 'fanyboys.' That explains the extreme difference in opininons. Not nearly as many people dislike the French black metal scene in comparison, I believe it isn't nearly as overrated as the American one because their is far more quality material being produced in France.

I firmly believe that Malefic could make an album by taking the poorest quality tape recorder and then record himself taking a shit whilst screaming his lungs out and fans would unknowingly praise the album endlessly for whatever exaggerated pesudo-meaning it would have to them.
I'm not saying that there aren't USBM nuts out there, but it seems that overall USBM has always been laughed at, even when Profanatica, Demoncy, and Grand Belial's Key were the flavors of the day. USBM was always looked at as a bit of a joke (not a completely invalid conclusion either, in my opinion).You will find fanboys in any scene, no matter how bad it is, but is there any Black Metal scene anywhere else around the world that gets anywhere near the level of shit that USBM does? I highly doubt it.
I've only heard Profanatica's new album which is alright imo. I remember the one track/interlude sounds like it was narrated by Adam West...
I don't know why I always neglect Epheles - I know how amazing the material they've put out is, yet I never seem to listen to it. Hmm, oh well - I am now so that is really all that matters.

Le Dernier Pardon is great.
I don't know why I always neglect Epheles - I know how amazing the material they've put out is, yet I never seem to listen to it. Hmm, oh well - I am now so that is really all that matters.

Le Dernier Pardon is great.

Le Dernier Pardon/Souviens-Toi is a great album. Upon first listen I was absolutely blown away by it but since then, I can only say its maybe worth an 8.5/10. I don't know what happened but I just can't enjoy the album like I first did.
I firmly believe that Malefic could make an album by taking the poorest quality tape recorder and then record himself taking a shit whilst screaming his lungs out and fans would unknowingly praise the album endlessly for whatever exaggerated pesudo-meaning it would have to them.

xasthur is hated by most people these days.... in 2002 he was praise by many.... but he losts most of his fanboys in 2004 with flooding the market with tons of crappy albums/splits/re-records.

i remember that he said once on the FMP board.... "i will end xasthur in 2003"
Agreed, though admittedly the conversation inspired my to spin Nocturnal Poisoning again and I did find it enjoyable, while not particularly groundbreaking or breathtaking or anything of the sort. Unfortunately, the best track is the Mutiilation cover.