Black Metal.

How so? If my loose translation is right, the name is something to the effect of The Dead Return To The Wind, which I think is an interesting name.
It's just too long. I refuse to listen to bands with long names. Bands with long names always make terrible, aberrations of "music". They deserve to have their houses burned down with all of their pets and possessions inside.
I will kill you.

Ender, you're slacking.

My lord this album is fantastic. My optimism was rewarded despite the downcast hopes set by "Lycanthropic Tales" when it was released during the summer. The first couple tracks seemed to confirm those predictions, but then comes the opus "Infernal Phantom Kingdom" and my jaw just drops. From that song, the rest of the album simply soars over all my expectations. The synth-work is a bit buried but where its used, its just glorious.

The best part of this album is how they seemed to incorporate little elements from each of their previous albums, from the mournful chimes of Moon in the Scorpio, the choral intros of In Abhorrence Dementia (just listen to "Twilight Omen", then "Abyssmal Necromancy comes to mind), to the majesty of Ad Noctum, and as expected, the relentless ferocity of The Ultimate Death Worship. Certainly this album is aptly titled.

Indeed, this is a big step up from their previous album, and is well on par with the rest of their discography. Those years of hibernation paid off and refreshed these two musicians' creative integrity and they penned another masterpiece of symphonic black metal art. Bravo, Limbonic Art, now tour the U.S. for Christ's sakes!

Yeah, I just listened to it and it is indeed good. I prefer the more keyboard driven LA, but it's not like I was expecting that
i got like 75/3 vishun, i seen it asramblin up dem hills. prolly lookin fora fishin hole. if ma rifle hadnt been in tha truck i woulda shot that varmit
Personally I think it's pretty hilarious that his redneck dialact comes through in his posts. :)
:lol: I always think it's funny to read people's assumptions of Tennessee and The South. Not everyone here has a redneck dialect, some have a Standard/Midwestern dialect, others have Southern Dialects to differing degress, but if someone is wearing a camoflauge hunting hat, it's almost certain they have a Southern dialect.:lol: And for me? I'm not quite sure, I've heard myself speak and all I know is that I don't have an overly Southern accent, I may have one slightly, I'm not sure to be honest, all I know is I don't say the words Y'all, Winder(Window), Rurned(Ruined), Sundee(Sunday), etc... I could go on.:lol:
I'm from Michigan and I kinda talk like a redneck, a lot of people here do to different degrees. My family took me and one of my friends on a cruise this summer and all the people my friend and I were hanging out with from other states thought we talked funny, almost like southerners. Me more so than my friend. I thought it was weird but whatever.