Black Metal.

Mathiäs;6625001 said:
Which everyone will masturbate to even if it sucks (and probably will)

Even if it sucks, most completists will buy it anyway. I wonder how a new Burzum album would sound; a cross between Filosofem and his ambient material? That could work if he gave it the focus he gave his early 90's material.
Well if by 'his ambient material' you mean the last two albums, from what I understand, a lot of that material was supposed to by Metal, but obviously he didn't exactly have the means of recording it that way. He wrote in one of his papers that Jesu Dod I believe from Filosofem was among the songs that he wrote in the same time period as some of the songs that he later recorded as ambient pieces.
He will probably be released next year. I hope he is, it should be extremely interesting, even though he has claimed that he just wants to live a private, secluded life.

Yes, it will be interesting. He said he will record another album. And that album will suck. How can a guy who has not played a guitar in 10 years(who was not talented player, in terms of skills) record a album.

he will probably record another black metal album if hes desperate for cash.

No, Varg gathers the money he needs through his books and the such. He will be fine.
Varg was a competent guitar player. It's not impossible to relearn how to play well enough for his style of music. Look at Sodom's recent re-recording of In The Sign Of Evil. One of the players hadn't played anything at all practically since that original recording session ended over two decades ago.
I highly doubt that. They're not bestsellers by any stretch.

...and a black metal album will make him rich?

Varg was a competent guitar player. It's not impossible to relearn how to play well enough for his style of music. Look at Sodom's recent re-recording of In The Sign Of Evil. One of the players hadn't played anything at all practically since that original recording session ended over two decades ago.

He was competent in playing but was not very good technically. He did not have the best guitar skills. I doubt he could pick up a guitar and write a good song.
because we all know Burzum was great due to Varg's technical ability...

That is not the point I am trying to make. I am saying that if Varg
were to pick up a guitar now he would not have the ability to make the music sound good. It would not even be decent playing.

Nope, and that's not what I was implying. You said that Varg would be able to live off of the money he receives from his previous art, and I don't see how that would be possible.

I never said that...
That is not the point I am trying to make. I am saying that if Varg
were to pick up a guitar now he would not have the ability to make the music sound good. It would not even be decent playing.

do you know a single thing about playing guitar?
Its pretty fucking easy. He could write a song without any problems at all.
He will obviously be allowed the minimum amount of money required to live on the outside, but I don't see him ever making any sort of real money unless he manages to have the sentence revoked somehow, which is not impossible. Especially considering how long ago this happened; he could easily claim to have been coerced into it, maybe name a few names or something. Time will tell, I suppose...
Dont take Frank Zappa's word for it. He was a VERY VERY talented player. Varg is your normal guitar player and it will take soem time for him to get his skills back up to par. Simple has that. IF you brake your arm for 4 months I bet you can not play "Fragmented Oblivion" right off the bat. It takes time and practice. Now imagine 10+ years of not playing guitar.