Black Metal.

I'm getting the hang of Drawing Down the Moon. A really good album actually. Although the faster tracks like Down There and Werewolf sound really poor. Do they even have structure? Regardless, overall that's some pleasantly hypnotic, eerie stuff.
Metal is more popular among white people because it's largely anti-modern, and white people are closer to the processes of modernity that metal reacts against.

If Euronymous were to come back from the dead and survey the current state of black metal and see how it has developed/spread since his death, would he approve or condemn the genre as of present?
He thought the scene was gone to shit when he was alive, and given that it has declined exponentially since then he probably wouldn't change his opinion. That's Euronymous the character though, honestly I think he would be in some hipster band like Opeth right now if he were still alive.
Agreed...just as hip hop, rap, two-tone, etc., developed in African cultures, and their fan bases are predominantly African. The style is developed within a given culture with given cultural meanings and understandings, so when it is brought outside of the culture, it is unlikely that many will relate to it unless it becomes heavily diluted (as in mainstream music).

2 tone is white people influenced by jamaican ska though :confused:
You obviously know more about shitty music than I do. It was just a term that I recalled used by a presentation given by a student in one of my classes. I really don't care if I didn't use the most applicable term.
Has Varg had access to black metal to listen to while in prison? If not, I wonder what his reaction would be to the current globalized state of black metal.

Even bands that draw heavy influence from him, I wonder if he would praise or condemn them. Or would he be like the undead Euronymous: being apathetic to it and passing no judgment?

Varg is crazy and fucked up, probably due to prison rape and stuff like that.... anyway I don't think you could predict anything from him...... except he just won't ever live outside of his prison walls, he's too insane.
I hope they never let Varg out. A total asshole who can do only a few things good. Other than those things...he is a total waste of space.
He will probably be released next year. I hope he is, it should be extremely interesting, even though he has claimed that he just wants to live a private, secluded life.
He will probably be released next year. I hope he is, it should be extremely interesting, even though he has claimed that he just wants to live a private, secluded life.

On a the grim inverted frostbitten peaks of a very very very very very very very very very very very forbidden necro-cliff.