Black Metal.

Your view is wrong. Not only do non-whites create Black Metal, but plenty of non-whites also LISTEN to Black Metal.
I am well aware of that.

However, I was assuming that Euronymous would not approve of black metal becoming something so multi-racial.
Black Metal existed well before Euronymous came on to the scene, so I don't really give a shit what he has to say on the matter.
That really has nothing to do with what I said. And that's really not necessarily true. He developed his own ideology in the early 90s and others followed, developing their own ideologies, most all of which can be found in the early 80s just as easily.
But you can argue that Euronymous and co. took that ideology to a more serious level, which suggests that they had racist views not seriously held by the 80's bands.
Which still in no way validates the statement that "Black Metal is for white people." Black Metal was not invented in Norway, nor was it solely reinvigorated in Norway. Don't blame Rotting Christ, Varathron, Necromantia, Master's Hammer, 666, Root, and Tormentor for not killing each other and burning down churches.
Besides, didn't Euronymous support bands all around the world like Sarcofago etc. Where is it suggested that he was a racist?

Exactly, I remember reading that he was happy to receive correspondence from people all over the world. Then there's also the fact that he signed Sigh to his label...
Black Metal existed well before Euronymous came on to the scene, so I don't really give a shit what he has to say on the matter.

I must agree with you. Euro just said a lot of stuff to make people mad. He was not a racist with some of his favorite bands come south South America.
I wouldn't say that black metal is for white people. But for some reason, mostly white people like black metal, or metal in general. Some Asians and latinos are into metal, but for some reason very few blacks are into metal. I think that most blacks see metal as "white man's music," and since most of them hate white people, they don't want to listen to it. Also, Africa by far has the smallest metal scene (ignoring the South African scene, which is all white). There are a couple bands from Angola and Botswana, but that's it.
I wouldn't say that black metal is for white people. But for some reason, mostly white people like black metal, or metal in general. Some Asians and latinos are into metal, but for some reason very few blacks are into metal. I think that most blacks see metal as "white man's music," and since most of them hate white people, they don't want to listen to it. Also, Africa by far has the smallest metal scene (ignoring the South African scene, which is all white). There are a couple bands from Angola and Botswana, but that's it.

Most black people do not hate white people. That is a very stupid comment.

Black Metal is a form of music that just does not connect with blacks for some strange reason. I also think that we would not take a African Black Metal band serious just like they dont take White rapppers serious.Its strange but that is how it all works out. There are plenty of Blacks in Death Metal though.
There could be an African black metal band. Black metal does NOT have to be from the north. Some of the best black metal comes from the Mediterranean region, and there is also some good South American black metal, so why not an African black metal band? It would be cool if there were an African pagan black metal band with lyrics praising Ogun (the Odin of West African mythology).