Black Metal.

I've been on a black metal fix as of late.

What albums should I check out from the following bands?

Obtained Enslavement
Forgotten Tomb
I dislike most black metal but I have to admit that Land of the Dead, the last track on Summoning's Oath Bound, is a damn excellent song
I will say this - it's impossible to be able to listen to & absorb every single Black Metal band's music under the rainbow :lol: There's literally over 20,000 Black Metal bands out there I would bet. A lot of guys will just drop some really obscure band's like Korgonthurus then try to act like everyone should have already heard of them. That's the thing I just don't get.
Obscurity is all relative.

Not really. A lot of bands can qualify as being obscure. I went to see "Wolves in the Throne Room" the other day & most or all of the people I talked to at the concert had never heard them before, yet they're pretty popular on internet forums. I live in Orlando too which is a pretty big city. I don't even think there was 200 people at the show, & virtually everyone was there to see Jesu who headlined. They didn't even play to a sold out crowd, yet some folks would argue that both bands are EXTREMEMLY popular... :rolleyes:

All I'm saying is they're not obscure to me because I hear about them on the internet a lot & I've been listening to them for awhile, but try name dropping them to virtually anyone on the street & see what happens.
:zombie: You just defined relativism regarding obscurity.


I think Wolves In The Throne room is one of the better BM bands around today. I must say the first track off the new record has a strong Jesu sounding influnce. I think that WITTR know how to write
songs that flow nicely and they do not worry about the silly corpse paint and the bad production.

All Hail The Wolves...