Black Metal.

You can't really go wrong with Summoning, but Dol Guldur is their best and anyone who doesn't list it isn't worth heeding.

I consider Nightshade Forest EP their best stuff so far....followed by Dol Guldur. They were at their peak during that time. Minas Morgul is also excellent but maybe a bit too weird for beginners.

Most beginners seems to like Stronghold the most.... I once liked it but I now find it a bit too gothic and far from what Summoning was before. Let the mortal heroes is descent but easily forgettable.

Oath Bound is good but it's far from being a masterpiece.... I think most songs drag on for too long.... like the album could have been 40mins but instead they looped most of the songs for a result of 1hour+.
What do you think of the book Lords of Chaos? I'm going to buy it the next time I see it.
Yeah, I'd say it's definitely worth buying. The second half or so of the book is a bit out there, and the parts about Absurd don't really contribute much. The early parts are quite good, and the photos are great. A color photo section would have been awesome.
Some of the latter chapters were highly interesting and informative (sans the UFO bit), actually, and for me the highlight of the work, since it was most grounded in theory and not based on largely spliced and misquoted and altered interview information.
Agreed. In the end the book didn't really make Black Metal seem all that bad to me. I think this is because the Satanic rituals and stuff they talk about just seemed absurd to me, instead of scaring me or making the perpetrators seem evil. After reading it I was left with the impression that Varg was an idiot/lunatic, the Absurd guys were really pissed off at some asshole at school, and that (shocker!) some people will rebel against a very left wing society by forming very right wing groups. The only story that puzzled me was Faust's murder of the gay man.
OK, next topic for discussion:

If Euronymous were to come back from the dead and survey the current state of black metal and see how it has developed/spread since his death, would he approve or condemn the genre as of present?
Privately, he wouldn't give a shit because it was all an act.

Stupid fucking server fucking up.
Yeah, I'd say it's definitely worth buying. The second half or so of the book is a bit out there, and the parts about Absurd don't really contribute much. The early parts are quite good, and the photos are great. A color photo section would have been awesome.

I haven't read the book in a long time but I recall finding parts of the Absurd interview pretty amusing. Actually, there's a lot of hilarious quotes in that book.
I haven't read the book in a long time but I recall finding parts of the Absurd interview pretty amusing. Actually, there's a lot of hilarious quotes in that book.

Haha, I recall a snippet with Euronymous describing what black metal was all about. Spikes and Satan, etc. Something to that effect. He sounded like he was 13. Sometimes makes me wonder who placed these guys on a pedestal in the first place.
I think Euronymous would like the current scene, he seemed to appreciate black metal that pushed the genre to the limits.

You think so, eh? I wasn't sure how sacred he held his aethetic view of the genre in terms of its limits. I suppose he would have a greater issue with the shifts in ideologies than the evolutionary permutations of the music itself.
I like when Hellhammer was talking about how immigrants suck and that "Black Metal is for white people."
