Black Metal.

There could be an African black metal band. Black metal does NOT have to be from the north. Some of the best black metal comes from the Mediterranean region, and there is also some good South American black metal, so why not an African black metal band? It would be cool if there were an African pagan black metal band with lyrics praising Ogun (the Odin of West African mythology).

I never said there can not be a African Black Metal band but it would be hard to take serious. Like a white rapper. Maybe its would be a interesting idea but the chances of that happing is very low. The only devloped country there is South Africa, a rich white country. Th rest is so damaged under genocide and poverty. Though I think Odious(just Odious, not the death metal band) are from Egypt.

Plus Varg would not approve ;)
Plus Varg would not approve ;)

Has Varg had access to black metal to listen to while in prison? If not, I wonder what his reaction would be to the current globalized state of black metal.

Even bands that draw heavy influence from him, I wonder if he would praise or condemn them. Or would he be like the undead Euronymous: being apathetic to it and passing no judgment?
I never said there can not be a African Black Metal band but it would be hard to take serious. Like a white rapper. Maybe its would be a interesting idea but the chances of that happing is very low. The only devloped country there is South Africa, a rich white country. Th rest is so damaged under genocide and poverty. Though I think Odious(just Odious, not the death metal band) are from Egypt.

Plus Varg would not approve ;)
Odious are cool! Egypt is an Arab country, so it's a little bit different. It seems that there is quite a scene in Arab countries, such as Saudia Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon.
He'd probably be pissed off at it for the most part, but he would like a few bands still around. I'd just like to know what he would think about the USBM scene.
Has Varg had access to black metal to listen to while in prison? If not, I wonder what his reaction would be to the current globalized state of black metal.

Even bands that draw heavy influence from him, I wonder if he would praise or condemn them. Or would he be like the undead Euronymous: being apathetic to it and passing no judgment?

That Varg comment was a joke. I dont take his side on anything.

Though I do think he would hate them with a passion. He would only support a few bands that are NSBM or maybe he will hate the whole scene has a whole. I dont think Varg even cares at this point.

I think he has a few ways to listen to music, but maybe not black metal or metal music at that.
Odious are cool! Egypt is an Arab country, so it's a little bit different. It seems that there is quite a scene in Arab countries, such as Saudia Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon.

Egypt is a very developed country, in general, as far as I'm aware. It's really strange that many people have this image of most African countries being underdeveloped and poor(though it's true for some).
Blue Jay and his comment about South Africa's population consisting primarily of savage tribes suddenly sprang to mind. :lol:
Egypt is a very developed country, in general, as far as I'm aware. It's really strange that many people have this image of most African countries being underdeveloped and poor(though it's true for some).
Blue Jay and his comment about South Africa's population consisting primarily of savage tribes suddenly sprang to mind. :lol:

A very large part of African is underdeveloped, A VERY LARGE PART. It is not some uninformed image or bias.

Hahaha Blue Jay:lol:
A lot of African countries are for the most part underdeveloped, with the wealth unevenly distributed. Often the few major cities will be modern and developed, while most of the people in the rural areas live in huts. Lagos, Nigeria; Luanda, Angola; Accra, Ghaha; Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire; etc. are all modern, developed cities, but pretty much all of the wealth of African countries is concentrated soley in such cities, of which there are but a few.
Moonblood were great. The music is so strong that it isn't ruined by the shit production.

I onlt have "The Winter Falls Over The Land" and the "Deathspell Omega/Moonblood" split. I cant say I enjoy these still. Most have lost their enjoyment factor. The production need to better by a little bit and the lyrics are a joke at times.
Is it really that surprising that not nearly as many African-descended people listen to Metal in general? Those in the Western world are subjugated to their own exclusive culture, whether they choose to follow it or not, and most likely have few avenues to explore that might actually lead to Metal. Those in the third world, like most others in the third world, work hard just to survive and don't have time for leisure and luxury. Free time breeds intellectualism and art. When you don't have that free time, you're most likely not going to find much interest in art when you're looking for food.

Of course, there is also the undeniable perception as Metal as the white man's music which surely turns some away as well, but that in no way makes the statement that Metal is for white people true.

And yes, this post is rife with generalizations. You kind of have to be general.
Is it really that surprising that not nearly as many African-descended people listen to Metal in general? Those in the Western world are subjugated to their own exclusive culture, whether they choose to follow it or not, and most likely have few avenues to explore that might actually lead to Metal. Those in the third world, like most others in the third world, work hard just to survive and don't have time for leisure and luxury. Free time breeds intellectualism and art. When you don't have that free time, you're most likely not going to find much interest in art when you're looking for food.

Of course, there is also the undeniable perception as Metal as the white man's music which surely turns some away as well, but that in no way makes the statement that Metal is for white people true.

And yes, this post is rife with generalizations. You kind of have to be general.
I was waiting for this post.

You also have to remember that black metal emerged from extremely white countries. It stands to reason therefore that the fan base would be predominantly white. There is nothing about it that should "connect" with someone more or less because of the coloring of their skin.
Agreed...just as hip hop, rap, two-tone, etc., developed in African cultures, and their fan bases are predominantly African. The style is developed within a given culture with given cultural meanings and understandings, so when it is brought outside of the culture, it is unlikely that many will relate to it unless it becomes heavily diluted (as in mainstream music).