Black Metal.

They won't tour, they're really secretive about the shit. He plays drums for Fleshpress and D.O.M. and in his own projects (Stabat Mater, Creamface, Clandestine Blaze). He is not the creative force of the band. I am pretty sure Mikko just records vocals and sends them to the band. He's very involved with true black metal and his voice is really guttural and creepy (trust me, even though he was smiling he sounded pretty disturbing), so there's no doubt he does vocals for DSO. On another note, whenever anyone asks him about it, he quickly eschews that subject for another or bluntly states "The members of DSO are not public information."

don't forget he also plays in the noisecore bands Nihilist Commando and Noise Waste.
And in Dorchester Library, Clinic Of Torture, Nicole12, ETC. ETC. The guy is fucking busy.

I'd like to do a split with one of his bands one of these days.

he posts on the Swampfoot Records noisecore forums. unfortunately, he's kind of an elitist dick and doesn't like "nu-noisecore".
As far as anyone knows, Shaxul (ex-Hirilorn) is the main creative force behind Deathspell Omega.

You mean Hasjarl, the guitarist.... he also runs End All Life and Norma Evangellium Diaboli. DSO is basically a one-man-band with sessions members.... i'm not sure but I think the drummer have changed a couple of times..... and the first releases of DSO are with drum computers, ie: Infernal Battles.

Shaxul is the ex-singer who later started his own band Arphaxat after leaving DSO.
That's pretty much the best thing he's done with Clandestine Blaze. :lol:

I like it (haven't listened to the CB side for ages though), but everything else is worthless.

There is something about Clandestine Blaze that is really fake and boring to me. I dont buy into a lot of the whole DsO/Clandestine Blaze/Antaeus hype. They may be good bands but not to the level that some people think.
I've found that a lot of the kvlt Black Metal internet buffs are really about 15 years old & they write off other forms of music a lot of times without really listening to them. Besides a small percentage of people in that whole scene I think it's all gravy. I fucking love Black Metal. It doesn't get nearly as boring as a lot of Thrash or sometimes Death & it's much more rewarding, however instrumentally a lot of Black Metal bands are not very good. It's more about atmosphere than riffage or what not. Apples & Oranges.
I've found that a lot of the kvlt Black Metal internet buffs are really about 15 years old & they write off other forms of music a lot of times without really listening to them. Besides a small percentage of people in that whole scene I think it's all gravy. I fucking love Black Metal. It doesn't get nearly as boring as a lot of Thrash or sometimes Death & it's much more rewarding, however instrumentally a lot of Black Metal bands are not very good. It's more about atmosphere than riffage or what not. Apples & Oranges.

So true.

When I was getting into extreme metal, I went through most of the genres and searched for the sound that I liked the best. That sound was black metal, and from that point I bought/listened to nothing but black metal, giving little regard to the other metal genres. In the past few months I've started to branch out, incorporating more doom metal and death metal into my listening. I've also been listening to more classical music to balance things out. I know that some day I'll be ready to explore other genres such as Speed Metal, Drone Doom and Grindcore.
Well I like Clandestine Blaze, Night of the Unholy Flames is an excellent album, Fist of the Northern Destroyer and Deliverers Of Faith are also pretty good..... but I don't care about the rest of his discography. One thing is sure.... Mikko's voice sounds really evil in this band.