Black Metal.

Yea, well I still think His Majesty At the Swamp wins in this whole dark atmosphere department, but we'll see if this sloppy, unholy beast will grow into something that matches it.
It is just Woe J. Reaper dodging questions, making crazy claims and being generally idiosyncratic. He makes a few points, but his ego is amazingly huge. I love it :lol:
It is just Woe J. Reaper dodging questions, making crazy claims and being generally idiosyncratic. He makes a few points, but his ego is amazingly huge. I love it :lol:

Haha. Just read the Maelstrom interview. I see where you are coming from. I dont think I could last a few moments with him. His music is REALLY good though. Also his Peter Beste(thats him right?) is fucking hilarious.
Looks like I am going to change the subject.

I am starting to think that bands like Deathspell Omega use there "no photo" image a bit to much. They seem to be using it far to much to sell records. Of course they are not sell outs and of course the music is good but they seem to use there image also. More than say Merrimack. This seems to work with a few bands though. I saw a Wolves In The Throne Room live video and these guys make no attempt to loom Kvlt or hid the way they look. It is just that the photographs dont fit with the artwork of there albums. I may just be picking on Deathspell Omega so I can finish this post but does anyone get this post...
I shook Mikko's hand last night...he was playing a local (Boston) show as Grunt (his industrial/power electronics/noise project). He is a nice guy. Very goofy looking (beer belly, suspenders, Scandinavian!). And yes it did really happen, bitches.

My friend Egan was interviewing Mikko also for his noise webzine, and Mikko told him before the interview "not to ask [him] about the metal-related stuff." It's pretty clear he is DSO's vocalist. :p
I shook Mikko's hand last night...he was playing a local (Boston) show as Grunt (his industrial/power electronics/noise project). He is a nice guy. Very goofy looking (beer belly, suspenders, Scandinavian!). And yes it did really happen, bitches.

My friend Egan was interviewing Mikko also for his noise webzine, and Mikko told him before the interview "not to ask [him] about the metal-related stuff." It's pretty clear he is DSO's vocalist. :p

Mikko? Is he a cool guy? Normal? This proves my point totally or proves it wrong totally.
He's a normal guy...Ron (RRRecords) introduced me to him directly, it was cool. I shook his hand at the end of the night and said I liked his set a lot and said thanks for coming here.
He's a normal guy...Ron (RRRecords) introduced me to him directly, it was cool. I shook his hand at the end of the night and said I liked his set a lot and said thanks for coming here.

I always thought of that guy has an asshole. No real reason though. I dont understand why DSO gives such few interviews. I find it a gimmick.