Black Metal.

If you like blackened death and haven't heard Forest Of Impaled I'm thoroughly disappointed in you.

That's right. I'm disappointed in you. Feel guilty.
I bet he wouldn't like Burning Witch.

I've liked Burning Witch since before you were born, son. Too bad it's the only thing those cunts from Sunn O))) were ever involved in that was actually good, excluding Thorr's Hammer of course.
I've liked Burning Witch since before you were born, son. Too bad it's the only thing those cunts from Sunn O))) were ever involved in that was actually good, excluding Thorr's Hammer of course.

Sunn 0))) is better than most of the bedroom black metal you listen to...
Yesterday I discovered a "new" black metal bands from usa that isn't depressive bedroom crap.

Chaos Moon, their Origin of Apparition album was just released and I think it's excellent so far.... I don't know what to compare it to.... but the vocals are quite similar to Urfaust.
Yesterday I discovered a "new" black metal bands from usa that isn't depressive bedroom crap.

Chaos Moon, their Origin of Apparition album was just released and I think it's excellent so far.... I don't know what to compare it to.... but the vocals are quite similar to Urfaust.


It's not hard to find good black metal.