Black Metal.

Has for the band 666. I want to check out their stuff soon.

But I am going to keep saying how good Peste Noire is.

Dueil angoisseus is a stunning song. I love how Black Metal can sound so different from other genres in music. Its amazing how most Black Metal bands dont learn from these guys.
Has anybody heard of the band Aetherius Obscuritas, from Hungary? Are they(he actually) an Atmospheric Black Metal?
Well the songs on RUUN and ISA have some big hit potential, that's why they're so popular. The production is great and all, but it just doesn't feel like the old enslaved anymore for me. It's nice to see the evolution of the band anyway. Try ISA and you'll see what I mean. It's also nice to see the Return To Yggdrasil DVD. They play mostly the ISA songs there, though the show is a little bit boring.
Well the songs on RUUN and ISA have some big hit potential, that's why they're so popular. The production is great and all, but it just doesn't feel like the old enslaved anymore for me. It's nice to see the evolution of the band anyway. Try ISA and you'll see what I mean. It's also nice to see the Return To Yggdrasil DVD. They play mostly the ISA songs there, though the show is a little bit boring.

RUUN kicks ass. I like it better than Frost.
What about the new Blut Aus Nord? It sound a bit generic to me, but it has good atmosphere. I quite like it.
It's more ambient. A lot of people seem to prefer it to the first album. I disagree, but it's still good.