Black Metal.

You suck, I was looking at that...that's the guy I bought The Moaning from, which I haven't received yet.
Looks like I need to check out Krieg soon...
From there myspace influence section.

There? Krieg is basically a one man band.... anyway I must say it's probably one of the hardest band to get into, because it's very low-fi and really agressive but yet very unique. Destruction Ritual and The Black House are the only albums I like from Imperial.
So far what are the best Black Metal albums of the year for everyone?

Deathspell Omega - Fas
Lurker of Chalice - Perverse Calculus? (only heard one song but I have hope for this)
Axis of Perdition - Grief Of The Unclean

that's all....there's been plenty of good releases but nothing breathtaking this years.
Ilike the more progresive bands like Borknagger but Gorgarath and all the "oldschool Tru Kvlt" black metalstuff I have no stomech for because of the lyrics I take nothing away from the uscinship but look at Darkthrone as an example there last album to me and this is my opinion sounded like a hardcore record and notblack metal to me the defeniton of Black metal will be Immortal
I only heard Forest Poetry and it was pretty awful, imo. but then again I dislike most lo-fi, ultra-raw BM.
I did learn to appreciate Beherit though Very good stuff.
Ildjarn, Nargaroth, Sort Vokter & Judas Iscariot are all overrated bands imo.

Agreed on all those except Ildjarn! :mad:

Ildjarn rules! Some of the best BM ever, seriously. But yeah, it takes a long time to fully appreciate his work.

Fuck yes. I thought it was total shit until something clicked, and then it was really the only thing I listened to for like a month.