Black Metal.

Bathory - The Return

Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids

Tormentor - Anno Domini

Ildjarn Det Frysende Nordariket

Sort Vokter Folkloric Necro Metal

Summoning Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur

Sacramentum Far Away From the Sun

Enslaved Frost

Emperor Wrath of the Tyrant and Emperor

Gorgoroth Pentagram and Antichrist

Graveland Thousand Swords

Necromantia/Varathron Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins

Necromantia Scarlet Evil Witching Black

Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp

Behemoth ...From the Pagan Vastlands
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon
Celtic Frost - Morbid tales / Emperor's Return
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Summoning - Dol Guldur

I've got To Mega Therion so that's been delaying my getting Morbid Tales. I'm hoping to get Thousand Swords in a current eBay auction. I own Dol Guldur. I'll look out for the other two.

Bathory - The Return

Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids

Tormentor - Anno Domini

Ildjarn Det Frysende Nordariket

Sort Vokter Folkloric Necro Metal

Summoning Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur

Sacramentum Far Away From the Sun

Enslaved Frost

Emperor Wrath of the Tyrant and Emperor

Gorgoroth Pentagram and Antichrist

Graveland Thousand Swords

Necromantia/Varathron Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins

Necromantia Scarlet Evil Witching Black

Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp

Behemoth ...From the Pagan Vastlands

I own the ones in bold. The rest I'll look out for.

Thanks, guys.
The first Burzum album and Bathory - The Return are lacking from your list.

Master's Hammer - Ritual
Master's Hammer - The Jilemnice Occultist
Root - Zjeveni
Root - Hell Symphony
Root - The Temple In The Underworld
New Nachtmystium track is on their myspace, from their upcoming split with Lurker of Chalice.

I'm not sure what to make of this song, it's certainly characteristic of their current direction, but it's a tad doomy and mellow for what I expected. It's a good song, though. I really dig the psychedelic guitars in the latter parts of the track.
New Nachtmystium track is on their myspace, from their upcoming split with Lurker of Chalice.

I'm not sure what to make of this song, it's certainly characteristic of their current direction, but it's a tad doomy and mellow for what I expected. It's a good song, though. I really dig the psychedelic guitars in the latter parts of the track.
This is a cool track. You can really pick up the Isis influence. I thought the early version was pretty good without all the extra layering here. At the four minute mark the speed metal influence comes out. This was more apparent in the stripped down version.

Expect the Lurker of Chalice half to be Leviathan material. The name change is for contractual reasons.
New Nachtmystium track is on their myspace, from their upcoming split with Lurker of Chalice.

I'm not sure what to make of this song, it's certainly characteristic of their current direction, but it's a tad doomy and mellow for what I expected. It's a good song, though. I really dig the psychedelic guitars in the latter parts of the track.

I am sensing a slight Blut Aus Nord TWWTFG sound here.
i just listened to Astrofaes newest album. I can't really say if i think its better than their previous releases but i will say that i think this is damn good.
its mixed well and the production is great.