Black Metal.

I prefer Moonspell's later stuff. Finisterra off Memorial for example is fucking intense. Their later stuff seems to have more of a death metal influence rather than the black metal influence on their earlier albums.[ame=]Moonspell - Finisterra[/ame]
listening to Blood of Kingu right now. Sounds very good as expected. The vocals are inquisition like, which works well on this album. Good stuff...
Just found Kult of Azazel from Ft.Lauderdale through Totalus Necrum's Myspace. I was thoroughly impressed, regardless of how late i am to the "bandwagon",as one might say.

Glad we were the conduit to your discovery...

I saw these guys playing the second stage at this years New England Hardcore & Metal Fest. I didn't care much for them, and the only reason I ventured up to the second stage was to browse the CD sales booths they had set up there (where I bought Behemoth's Grom album).
Listening to new Belenos, seems good so far, but i doubt anything will come close to Errances Oniriques and Spicelege
K well i just ordered Profundi-The Omega Rising,Glorior Belli-Ô LAVDATE DOMINVS, and Manes-How the World Came to an End

I must say, i am really excited for these albums. Hopefully they dont take to long
It stops being funny when you realize he's insane.

Also, that video is fucking awesome. Begotten is a fucked up film.

The guy who made Begotten is an amazing filmmaker. He made some really a interesting video for,I know, Interpol. he has not done much music videos though. He also did In The Shadow Of The Vampire. I think his visuals work perfect for black metal.