Black Metal.

I heard an Enslaved song from Hordanes Land and thought it was good, what Enslaved would anyone recommend I get? It was very well organized, Grutle has good vocals, I liked how the synths were in sync with each other, though I didnt really hear any great riffs in the song a la I Am The Black Wizards tremolo, maybe because their music isnt a riff based as Emperor?
I heard an Enslaved song from Hordanes Land and thought it was good, what Enslaved would anyone recommend I get? It was very well organized, Grutle has good vocals, I liked how the synths were in sync with each other, though I didnt really hear any great riffs in the song a la I Am The Black Wizards tremolo, maybe because their music isnt a riff based as Emperor?

You should be able to find Vikingligr Veldi packaged with Hordanes Land as a double-disc combo. I highly recommend it.
Or Dark Tribe if you want delirious shamanistic possessed-by-chaotic-gods like stuff.
Good call! Those chants sprinkled throughout the album work really well with the music.

Also, I know I've mentioned this band earlier but I was able to track down the full length of Germany's Wolfhetan. After hearing the full album I can say this is a very solid album. There's a very heavy early 90s Norse influence on the guitar riffs. The band does a great job crafting the songs and they flow really well. There are a few folk influenced acoustic sections as well that actually work to the benefit of the music without taking away the mystique of the more aggressive moments. Here's the sample for anyone interested I recommend it:

I hear that there is a vinyl release in the works for the band but in the mean time a CD digibook can be purchased from Starlight Temple Society for around 16 plus shipping. The band is working on a follow up as well, so look out for that as well.
