Black Metal.

Gave Arkhon Infaustus' latest my first spin, and my first impression is that this is pretty badass blackened death. Like a cross between Deathspell Omega and Behemoth. It's a bit hard to get into but it started growing on me before I finished the first listen.
By the way, is there any way I can get copies of your other demos, Revelations Through Carnage and Perditio Troiae?

Revelations Through Carnage is shit. Don't bother.

We have plans to re-record the tracks from Perditio Troiae to include them on a new album, and we've got other stuff in the works. I posted an update about it on my blog.
So I'm listening to the new Countess album.

This will most likely be in my year-end top 10.
Just finished listening to the Totalus Necrum demo; the production is a bit fuzzy and I've never really been a fan of drum machines, but I really like the raw, pained atmosphere and catchy guitar riffs. Good black metal, friends.:kickass:
:kickass: I'm glad you liked it! As Zeph said we'll be working on some new stuff as well as rerecording some old songs. Perditio Troiae is supposedly going to be released on Skull Fucking Metal Records sometime in the future, but I don't know when.

Also, Blutklinge pwns :kickass:
Cirith Gorgor's Firestorm Apocalypse is an excellent fucking album.


Onwards To The Spectral Defile is is Unveiling The Essence. Overlooked band though. "Winter Embraces Lands Beyond" off the former album is one of my favorite BM songs ever penned.
Maybe you're thinking of Slagry. The Jilemnice Occultist has a few elements of experimentation, not all of which work, but it's still an incredible album.

I haven't heard Slagry, and it's actually been quite a while since I listened to Jilemnice so maybe I should give it another shot, but from memory I found it pretty over the top.

I've actually been finding black metal quite tedious and uninspiring for a while now, maybe could you give me something maybe a bit newer that's just really cool? No ridiculous necro, lo-fi suicidal bullshit. Something a bit epic or a bit "heavy metally" (if that makes any sense). A good example would be the beginning of Drudkh's Eternity, off Blood In Our Wells, that really awesome guitar solo, something along those lines. Also I've heard that Countess is a sort of blend of black and heavy metal, is that right?
I've actually been finding black metal quite tedious and uninspiring for a while now, maybe could you give me something maybe a bit newer that's just really cool? No ridiculous necro, lo-fi suicidal bullshit. Something a bit epic or a bit "heavy metally" (if that makes any sense). A good example would be the beginning of Drudkh's Eternity, off Blood In Our Wells, that really awesome guitar solo, something along those lines. Also I've heard that Countess is a sort of blend of black and heavy metal, is that right?

I highly recommend Zemial - In Monumentum.