Black Metal.

Rimfrost - A Frozen World Unknown

Sounds like Immortal just even more badass if thats possible, fuckin stunning album, check it out as fast as you can!
Based on what it seems you're looking for, you would be very well served by getting the new Countess album. I just got it yesterday and it's one of his best, easily, probably in the top 3. I'm pretty sure The Basar has an Australasian outpost, but I'm not sure if they have the new Countess in stock yet.
Amesoeurs gets a low grade in my book. I just dont see how people can see a good execution of the post-punk sound. It is just injected in the start or the end of songs. Plus the dancing/faux-art aesthetic is really on the terrible side. The female vocals dont not fit the sound of the record at all and make me cringe.
Ruines Humaines is abysmal.

I just checked this out and it was great. Got any more stuff along the lines of Zemial?

Unfortunately I don't know of anything really similar to Zemial. As Dodens said, maybe some later Countess, or to a certain degree, Morrigan. I'd also love to find more stuff like In Monumentum. It hasn't left my stereo since I bought it.
Cheers Necuratul and MalignParadigm. I checked out some Countess and it's pretty much exactly what I'm after. I've heard a bit of Morrigan before and it sounded pretty good, so I'll check them out a bit more.

I looked at the Australasian Basar site, and it's completely shit compared to the main one. Half the stock and it's more expensive. I think I'll go with the main one after Christmas so I can get some Countess and the new Upwards of Endtime.
Holocaust Of The God Believers and Spawn Of Steel are even more overtly Trad-Metal inclined than the newer one, but the vocals can be grating on those albums because there's a lot of hi-fi static due to the apparently shitty microphone that he used.
It's very traditionally-minded Black Metal with large Doses of Heavy Metal. Think Venom, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, Manowar, Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol, and a bit of originality to blend it all together smoothly. This goes for most of the albums except The Gospel Of The Horned One and The Shining Swords Of Hate, more or less.
Listened to that last night, GREAT album...just way too short. Pity, cuz though the following album is longer, it's comparably meh.