Black Metal.

I came across a certain 'Ad Inferna' today... awesome stuff, quite reminiscent of Dimmu.
I was really suprised to find they don't have an official website, or even a myspace, cos their music is really well made. have a listen to them if you haven't already.
More stuff like the Finnish type BM? I'd like to get into some Swedish stuff similar to Dark Funeral but I don't know of any clones of that band .

How do you want clones? I want a band to be interesting and different. Stop trying to find bands that sound like your favorite bands. The idea of an favorite band is to get the feeling of greatness when you listen to there music. Dont try to recreate that feeling with trying to find bands that sound the same. I could never find another Interpol,Animal Collective,Blut Aus Nord or Darkthrone. Try to listen to music with a more open mind. Expand even into other genres than metal also.
^I did, and still, it sucks on my car stereo, bad enough if I wanted to listen to it on my CD Player in the fitness center, I'd be hearing Vaggroth a little, and mostly the radio being played in the room, as compared to my "normal volume" Cd's, which I can play and not hear mainstream radio there. :)
^I did, and still, it sucks on my car stereo, bad enough if I wanted to listen to it on my CD Player in the fitness center, I'd be hearing Vaggroth a little, and mostly the radio being played in the room, as compared to my "normal volume" Cd's, which I can play and not hear mainstream radio there. :)

When you get an iPod and iTunes you'll be ample to set the songs to automatically play at a higher volume.
How do you want clones? I want a band to be interesting and different. Stop trying to find bands that sound like your favorite bands. The idea of an favorite band is to get the feeling of greatness when you listen to there music. Dont try to recreate that feeling with trying to find bands that sound the same. I could never find another Interpol,Animal Collective,Blut Aus Nord or Darkthrone. Try to listen to music with a more open mind. Expand even into other genres than metal also.

Blue, Alter is right. When I first got into metal with Bal-Sagoth, I tried to find bands that sounded like them.

Obviously there weren't too many options. If you don't expand your tastes you'll be listening to the same 10 bands forever

Dissection are pretty excessible.

Yep. SotNB is good.

lunar poetry isnt that good

Agreed. To the Gates..., Welt etc are better