Black Metal.

I like Abigor up to but not including Supreme Immortal Art. It's been years since I listened to it, but I don't have fond memories. Nachthymnen, Orkblut - The Retaliation and Opus IV are all excellent and the debut is very solid. I'm not familiar with their latest album. Something tells me I would not enjoy it.

The latest release is very strange. It is almost like insutrial/technical BM. As stupid as I am going to sound saying this, some of it is actually pretty good. However, other parts of the album blow.
I received Nachthymnen, Apokalypse, Supreme Immortal Art, and Channeling The Quintessence Of Satan recently earlier in the week, though I've only had the opportunity to play the two first mentioned. Nachthymnen is of course fantastic as it has always been for me, though I have not actually heard it in a couple of years prior to two days ago. Apokalypse is, at least for Abigor's standards, very raw, vitriolic, and aggressive, not as nuanced as their earlier albums, but works very well as a brief expression of hatred. I remember Supreme Immortal Art being more overt than Nachthymnen and having some sort of vocal effect, but I won't know until I get a chance to listen to it again. I still haven't gotten a chance to play the Strid disc either. :erk: Though I was able to spin Blasphemy's Blood Upon The Altar on vinyl earlier today. :kickass:

Where did you order Nachthymnen?
Upon listening to some CD-R's from Koude Haat last night, I realized I'm not into atmospheric sludgy black metal and probably not inaccesible stuff either, I heard some Kataxu as well, it seemed good, but kinda overloaded my ears, other than the synths there really wasn't anything about the music that caught my attention, so I don't know, I'd like to get into more underground bands, but it seems like it'd be difficult unless I found the right ones.

none of the cd-rs i sent you are "atmospheric sludy black metal" and i dont know what that even is lol.

but mehh i think all you're ever going to like is noresecore, and dimmu type bands. nothing wrong with that i guess.
i would have thought you would have liked that Kataxu album, but guess not.

what did you think of funeral winds and beherit?
none of the cd-rs i sent you are "atmospheric sludy black metal" and i dont know what that even is lol.

but mehh i think all you're ever going to like is noresecore, and dimmu type bands. nothing wrong with that i guess.
i would have thought you would have liked that Kataxu album, but guess not.

what did you think of funeral winds and beherit?
Atmospheric Sludgy Black Metal from what you told me.:p Beherit is better than Profanatica, still probably not anything I'd buy.
Funeral Winds may be in my room at home somewhere, I hear a bunch of weird noises at times on Beherit but someone told me it was "Anti-Norwegian Black Metal"
Atmospheric Sludgy Black Metal from what you told me.:p Beherit is better than Profanatica, still probably not anything I'd buy.
Funeral Winds may be in my room at home somewhere, I hear a bunch of weird noises at times on Beherit but someone told me it was "Anti-Norwegian Black Metal"

heh, you have me totally confused. i was talking about a band called rosetta.

Anyways, give archgoat and funeral winds a listen and let me know what you think.