Black Metal.

I don't really like any of his stuff released after Thousand Swords, besides perhaps a couple songs off Memory and Destiny. I really do not understand why people suck this guy's dick all the time. He's not that talented.

thousand swords is so much better than everything else darken's put out it's unbelievable, the only other album that can maybe claim lasting excellence is carpathian wolves
I´ve always thought that black metal from other places than Scandinavia is more interesting(well apart from the obvious ones) because it feels more exotic in a way. Like if i see a unknown BM band name,and then notice that they´re from America or whatever,i become interested in a way that i dont necessarily become when i see a unknown BM band from Scandinavia.
Me too, but I am this way with all metal. Hence the Filipino band in my sig.
weren't you working on a list 100 best metal albums at one time?

Actually, I was debating on two lists/essays, one of which was what I believed to be the 100 most important Metal bands/albums (with respect to my own personal tastes), the other of which was more loosely structured, being 100 bands/albums that are incredible but didn't necessarily play a major role in the development of Metal or have a significant impact.
new proclamation album due out this month


1. Ceremonial Chants Of Blasphemy (Introit)
2. Nocturnal Damnation
3. Unholy Wine Of Fornication
4. Wrath Of The Apocalypse
5. Remains Of Sacrifice
6. Messiah Of Darkness And Impurity
7. Sepulchral Carnage
8. Tyrants From Desolation
9. Angel Of Four Winds
10. Sabbat Of Vengeance

i'm expecting good things.
Actually, I was debating on two lists/essays, one of which was what I believed to be the 100 most important Metal bands/albums (with respect to my own personal tastes), the other of which was more loosely structured, being 100 bands/albums that are incredible but didn't necessarily play a major role in the development of Metal or have a significant impact.

I think the loosely structured one would be better. I would read it coming from you.
I might work on it over break, but who knows. I don't even remember when I came up with this idea. But I know it happened while listening to Fates Warning - Awaken The Guardian.
What do you think of Abigor concerning both the newer and older material?

I like Abigor up to but not including Supreme Immortal Art. It's been years since I listened to it, but I don't have fond memories. Nachthymnen, Orkblut - The Retaliation and Opus IV are all excellent and the debut is very solid. I'm not familiar with their latest album. Something tells me I would not enjoy it.
Best is probably Zyklus or Andatch

I'm one of the few who prefer to start from the beginning with bands.

is it me or that doesn't make much sense since you listed the last albums.
Upon listening to some CD-R's from Koude Haat last night, I realized I'm not into atmospheric sludgy black metal and probably not inaccesible stuff either, I heard some Kataxu as well, it seemed good, but kinda overloaded my ears, other than the synths there really wasn't anything about the music that caught my attention, so I don't know, I'd like to get into more underground bands, but it seems like it'd be difficult unless I found the right ones.