Black Metal.

Could anyone link me to thayt site someone posted in here before of the top 100 Norwegian 2nd wave Black Metal albums? I'd be happy if you did. :)
I do think Darken's earlier material is his strongest and a landmark in Black Metal history, but he's never put out a halfass record. His stuff has greatly evolved into something different and is just epic as fuck. I don't know how anyone could tell this man to throw in the towel.

I don't really like any of his stuff released after Thousand Swords, besides perhaps a couple songs off Memory and Destiny. I really do not understand why people suck this guy's dick all the time. He's not that talented.
a lot of metal musicians aren't extremely talented, yet what they do, they do well. this is where Graveland comes in. the band is like ol' reliable, consistently releasing quality material while fans wait to latch onto the flavor of the month.

while we're at it, Quorthon wasn't loaded with talent, he just had vision.
How is Vesania's Firefrost Arcanum? I found it cheap on Amazon and I was quite impressed by a song I heard on the Metalmania 2006 DVD. Behemoth with keyboards? Genius.


EDIT: on the subject of Graveland, I have heard naught but his most recent album (Will Stronger Than Death), and I enjoyed it, though the production made it all a bit fuzzy.
a lot of metal musicians aren't extremely talented, yet what they do, they do well. this is where Graveland comes in. the band is like ol' reliable, consistently releasing quality material while fans wait to latch onto the flavor of the month.

while we're at it, Quorthon wasn't loaded with talent, he just had vision.

i think you mean skill... not talent
It's almost like trends are inescapable and people should stop fucking worrying about them so much.

tr00 tr00

Let music speak for itself. If it blows it just fucking blows.

I think the reason that there are so many American (& from other Countries as well) Black Metal bands that still try to replicate that early raw minimalistic Norwegian Black Metal sound is because they want to go against the grain & be non-conformist to corporate American sounds (which to some is guitar solos & guitar harmonies & to others is Britney Spears & Jay-Z), when in reality there are hardocre guys that just look at them & think they're just trying to follow a trend that was done years ago :lol: ...If that makes sense...

What I'm trying to say is that you could sit at your computer & cut your eyeballs out & there are literally people who would say you're just following some self-mutilation trend.

Whether something is a trend or not shouldn't have anything to do with the sound music makes to your ears.
I´ve always thought that black metal from other places than Scandinavia is more interesting(well apart from the obvious ones) because it feels more exotic in a way. Like if i see a unknown BM band name,and then notice that they´re from America or whatever,i become interested in a way that i dont necessarily become when i see a unknown BM band from Scandinavia.