Black Metal.

^Ad Noctum overloads my ears, I really thought I'd like this band a lot since I've heard they were similar to Dimmu, but for now I've yet to get into them. Maybe a few more listens will do.
Bluewizard: if you want to get into Limbonic Art, I suggest you start with Moon In The Scorpio or In Abhorrence Dementia.... they're easier listening than Ad Noctum.

From what I hear, Satanized is their worst, while Nachthymen is likely their best.

That's pretty accurate. Nachthymnen, Opus IV and Supreme Immortal Art are their "best of" trilogy in my opinion.
Atmosphere = Moon in the Scorpio
Symphonic Complexity = In Abhorrence Dementia
Symphonic Complexity/Aggression = Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death
Symphonic Aggression = The Ultimate Death Worship
(less) Symphonic Aggression = Legacy of Evil
Atmosphere = Moon in the Scorpio
Symphonic Complexity = In Abhorrence Dementia
Symphonic Complexity/Aggression = Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death
Symphonic Aggression = The Ultimate Death Worship
(less) Symphonic Aggression = Legacy of Evil
Maybe Moon in The Scorpio is where I should try again, but I'm going to listen to Ad Noctum again today shortly.
just listened to the new belenos album. Much better than Chants de Bataille.

The four rerecorded songs sound Fantastic.

i think my favorite song on the album is "Le Domaine Des Songes - Acte 1" or "Lenfer Froid"

this album is very consistent, no filler or bad songs at all.

So.. after two spins i can tell this is going to be in my top ten for the year.

once again.. great stuff..
I'm giving Alghazanth's album "Subliminal Antenora" my first listen right now, and I'm really enjoying it. Some great symphonic black.

Is this their best album? Or is there something else from their discography that is superior?