Black Metal.

i thought we established that satyricon blows for the most part.
They pwn most of the 2nd wave. Very underrated and should no doubt be in the big 4 of the 2nd wave, but instead they're not, they get plenty of recognition no doubt, but the generality is "They made some good stuff they're first 2-3 albums, but one of the best of the 2nd wave they are not"
Yeah, they're not even close to one of the best bands of the second wave but I don't know why people completely write them off.
Well they're not one of the best of the second wave.
Well they're better than Darkthrone. I do like Darkthrone myself, still really want to get Transilvanian Hunger and A Blaze in The Northern Sky,but to me Satyricon's on another level though.
Speaking of which I really need to get into Enslaved.
well I really dont know of a lot of the more obscure bands but in time I'm sure they'll come. I've tried some brutal death metal bands like Aversion to Life, Devourment, Wormed, Suffocation, and Deeds of Flesh, and I do like some Suffocation, namely some songs off Effigy and Pierced, but the others, well, I'll just say I'll probably never buy their stuff if it doesnt change, even too much Suffocation bores the shit out of me, I cant for the life of me listen to Effigy or Pierced for 10 times straight without being ready to turn it on to something else, Nile, Morbid Angel and Deicide on the other hand are totally opposite, can listen to them just about anytime.
I've tried Dissection, Beherit,Satanic Warmaster, Sargeist(though they are good) and a few other bands of black metal but yet I havent enjoyed it better than Emperor, Satyricon, or Dimmu.
Dude, I couldn't even/wouldn't want to listen to Effigy or Pierced TEN FRIGGIN' TIMES IN A ROW...c'mon...
Maybe I exaggerated a bit. :lol: I'm just saying basically listneing to those records is what I do in small doses, as compared to my more favorable bands where I listen to them in full albums basically.