Black Metal.

Not all Jews are bad. In fact, most are not bad at all.

It is in the very nature of the Jew to be vehemently opposed to any ideology or idea that undermines his status as "God's chosen" or as somehow owed something by society. This is why you see so much excessive apologizing on the part of those who even so much as suggest agreement with a right wing idea; Jewish-imposed guilt feelings.
I've always been into traditional, doom, death, thrash, -core metal......the only "black" metal bands i know really are Emperor (have all the albums except prometheus), Mayhem, Absu need to check out more... I love the stuff that includes folk or viking elements

You would really like Borknagar.
For my first taste of 2008, I'm giving Averse Sefira's Advent Parallax its first spin and so far I'm quite impressed. Most of the unusual melodies work very well with the modern black metal production and creative, yet effective drumwork. Might be a bit unaccessible to some, especially the old-schoolers. Think Deathspell Omega meets Gorgoroth.
For my first taste of 2008, I'm giving Averse Sefira's Advent Parallax its first spin and so far I'm quite impressed. Most of the unusual melodies work very well with the modern black metal production and creative, yet effective drumwork. Might be a bit unaccessible to some, especially the old-schoolers. Think Deathspell Omega meets Gorgoroth.

I've listened to a fair bit of albums from this year already, and with the Averse Sefira album - at first I found it to be quite monotonous, but after re-listening to it, it seemed to interest me more. I thought some parts were very reminiscent of Satyricon, like "Viral Kinesis." Seems like the kind of release that gets better with more listens.
Ooh, I only recently got into Wolves in the Throne Room (heard of them through Twilight, actually). Good shit. Shame about that repetitive ideological rant (defense?), but whatevs.
I personally don't care much for Wolves in the Throne Room, and I didn't read the entire article, but as I've continuously grown jaded by black metal over the years, I have to say this whole 'spiritual' connection between black metal music and be it nature or whatever else is one that is often highly exaggerated.
For my first taste of 2008, I'm giving Averse Sefira's Advent Parallax its first spin and so far I'm quite impressed. Most of the unusual melodies work very well with the modern black metal production and creative, yet effective drumwork. Might be a bit unaccessible to some, especially the old-schoolers. Think Deathspell Omega meets Gorgoroth.

I have meaning to check this out.Now,I'm gonna check this out after you recomended.After all I like both DSO & Gorgoroth.

Hey people please help me out,I am digging into 2nd wave & really would like some obscure but good release recomendetions(like Bak de syv fjell,Macabre omen etc).
Kvaforth is a complete moron, nevertheless 'V: Halmstad' is a great release. Vikerness is a dickhead too, but that doesn't keep me off listening to Burzum
I personally don't care much for Wolves in the Throne Room, and I didn't read the entire article, but as I've continuously grown jaded by black metal over the years, I have to say this whole 'spiritual' connection between black metal music and be it nature or whatever else is one that is often highly exaggerated.

I've yet to check them out. Not sure if I should bother.