Black Metal.

On this board anyway, there are very few people who view music in general the way that I do, and those views tend to be limited to one or two styles of music. And don't start with the implications that I have some sort of god complex again, we've already done that several times.

Well, I will be the first to admit that you do know more about metal music than all of us. You do tend to be a dick and tend to dig the old school styled shit more. You have a couple of years on me so dont think that you are the only person that has the chance of being a connoisseur to metal music.
On this board anyway, there are very few people who view music in general the way that I do, and those views tend to be limited to one or two styles of music. And don't start with the implications that I have some sort of god complex again, we've already done that several times.

It be fair to say that out of everyone on this board your taste is the nearest to mine. Excluding a few different opinions I feel we have similiar tastes in metal.
Well...I just got done listening to two songs that are going to be on the next Faustcoven album, Rising From Below The Earth. This seriously CRUSHES everything he's done prior to this. Colossal sound on this one as well. This one is going to be a minor classic.
Well...I just got done listening to two songs that are going to be on the next Faustcoven album, Rising From Below The Earth. This seriously CRUSHES everything he's done prior to this. Colossal sound on this one as well. This one is going to be a minor classic.

where did you hear these samples?
where did you hear these samples?

Gunnar sent them to me as a courtesy of my having expressed interest in it as well as repaying a contest I'd won that he had. I'm not allowed to share them, but they'll be posted sooner or later by BG. The CD should be out in May, as the plans go. The new Tearstained should be out around then too.

Nec, I won your Throne of Ahaz cd on eBay. I'm surprised I did, since my max bid was $5.

I was a bit surprised myself, I was hoping for that one and The Moaning to go for a bit more than that, but luckily I got them cheap anyway, so it's not exactly a loss.
I was a bit surprised myself, I was hoping for that one and The Moaning to go for a bit more than that, but luckily I got them cheap anyway, so it's not exactly a loss.
Heh, all No Fashion releases (that they have left) sells new for $1-$3 in a store here. Maybe that's why nobody's bidding. :p They only ship to Sweden though so probably not. I'm thinking of picking up The Moaning, first Throne of Ahaz and first Mörk Gryning from there. Recently got Decamerons and Soulreapers albums, because they were the cheapest. Practically for free.
Oh yeah? Maybe we can work something out in the not too distant future then, I'm still looking for a few No Fashion titles, namely:

Allegiance - Hymn Till Hangagud
Merciless - Unbound
Unanimated - Ancient God Of Evil
Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
Who played black metal similar to Dark Funeral that was on No Fashion records? More importantly what were the best bands off of it? I'd like to hear more Swedish 2nd wave BM but there's not exactly a list I've found online that says "Former No Fashion Records artists".