Black Metal.

I really quite enjoyed V - Halmstad, it's one of my favourite albums from 2007. Although everything before that never really struck any chords with me, and is really rather redundant anyway now has it seems they finally managed to achieve Kvarforth's (musical) vision with V - Halmstad, whilst the previous albums seem to miss the mark entirely and feel as though they are nothing more than rehearsals, if you will, for what V - Halmstad would be.

Admitedly, Kvarforth is moronic and his views are ridiculous, but as he's been the only stable member of the band since it's inception, he's really more than just a frontman.
My personal favourite depressive black metal band would be the Swedish Leviathan. Anyone else like this band?
I am just saying "what if."

And yea Hubster is not the best at picking music.

Sonny 90% of what you type is rubbish, I hardly think you're in a position to judge my taste.

As for you Dodens, your life consists of "I'm right about everything" so to you everyone's taste isn't trustworthy.
On this board anyway, there are very few people who view music in general the way that I do, and those views tend to be limited to one or two styles of music. And don't start with the implications that I have some sort of god complex again, we've already done that several times.