Black Metal.

I saw Baptism life on a mini-festival in germany and i was not impressed... And i think the sound was good enough to judge whether i like their music or not..

Yes I guess a one-man-band performing live must be quite boring. Imagine Xasthur live...
Shining is the best and most consistent depressive black metal act today. If you're unable to separate the music, which is what should be first and foremost when determining a band's worth from a member of the band then it is you who is the atrocity to the BM scene.

You're playing right into Kvarforth's hands when you put down, insult or discuss his transparently attention seeking antics. I'm no Kvarforth fan aside from his accomplished musical abilities which is obviously of far greater importance than his questionable persona.

This is black metal we're talking about. It's not as if Kvarforth is the only controversial figure to exist within the scene.
If they were sincere about their music in the least bit they wouldn't have an assclown as a frontman for the band.

Ofcourse black metal has more than a fair share of odd charaters, and it is fitting considering the genre itself. Like Varg, Ledney, Meyhnach, Nodtveidt...etc

However this Kvarforth kid is a scene poseur that thinks he is to extreme for the emo scene.

Case in point...the name of their second EP : True Swedish Emo Hipster Black Metal
Shining is the best and most consistent depressive black metal act today. If you're unable to separate the music, which is what should be first and foremost when determining a band's worth from a member of the band then it is you who is the atrocity to the BM scene.

You're playing right into Kvarforth's hands when you put down, insult or discuss his transparently attention seeking antics. I'm no Kvarforth fan aside from his accomplished musical abilities which is obviously of far greater importance than his questionable persona.

This is black metal we're talking about. It's not as if Kvarforth is the only controversial figure to exist within the scene.

Okay? Their music blows also.
Accually, Kvarforth > Kanwulf anyday of the week THAT is a miserably character in the bm scene. I also agree that Shining is one of the better depressive bm bands active right now, but I can't say I've bothered to check out that scene much. Better then all US bands atleast.