Black Metal.



My second favorite band and album out of South America.
Funny that, because I'm feeling no pain at all.
Well, I mostly can't stand their cheesy and over the top image and lyrics, especially as they are just a Woods of Infinity clone in that sense. The music isn't anything special either so imo they fail at what they try to make.
There seems to be way to many black metal bands trying to pull of the whole post-punk sound. It does not work, and this is coming from a huge post-punk fan. The whole urban image has been done much better outside of black metal many times and many times better. That subject matter only works outside black metal, when it is in black metal it sounds cheesy. Imagine post-punk bands like Joy Division or Interpol singing hymns to satan, it would be cheesy.
What is the point of arguing musical taste? Truth is, you either like it or you don't. It doesn't really matter if it has been done before....
There seems to be way to many black metal bands trying to pull of the whole post-punk sound. It does not work, and this is coming from a huge post-punk fan. The whole urban image has been done much better outside of black metal many times and many times better. That subject matter only works outside black metal, when it is in black metal it sounds cheesy. Imagine post-punk bands like Joy Division or Interpol singing hymns to satan, it would be cheesy.

I think the only people who have a problem with it are those who are into real punk/post-punk, such as yourself. Otherwise, they have no reference to judge whether the theme "works" with what these black metal bands are composing.
I think the only people who have a problem with it are those who are into real punk/post-punk, such as yourself. Otherwise, they have no reference to judge whether the theme "works" with what these black metal bands are composing.

True, but I still think there is a layer of cheese that even a standard black metal fan should find. I just do see that happening much even though I wont complain too much about people liking it.

I remember when I heard about Amesoeurs I was totally excited about a post-punk/black metal band that talked about urban subjects. Than I noticed why much Neige had failed at accomplishing that goal. All it really is, is a "post-punk" guitar riff before another black metal-ized "post-punk" riffs with trading black metal and female vocals. Terrible.
For the Ansur fans,

"Norwegian progressive extreme metallers ANSUR have set "Warring Factions" as the title of their follow-up to 2006's "Axiom", due later in the year via Nocturnal Art Productions/Candlelight Records. The CD contains seven songs with a total running time of 62 minutes."
I'm listening to the new Baptism - Grim Arts of Melancholy and it's great, fans of Morbid Wings of Sathanas won't be disapointed, some part of the album, mainly the guitar, reminds me of DSO - Inquisitor of Satan, which is a good thing, very melodic stuff.
Ansur reminds me a bit of Drottnar who are known as "technical black metal." In reality, they sound more like tech death with black metal riff structures and big BM influences, but none of the aesthetic or unified sound that makes BM.

Check them out though
I'm getting into Thorns, what does everyone think of them? Any recommendations? I'm thinking about getitng the Thorns/Emperor split soon.
I'm listening to the new Baptism - Grim Arts of Melancholy and it's great, fans of Morbid Wings of Sathanas won't be disapointed, some part of the album, mainly the guitar, reminds me of DSO - Inquisitor of Satan, which is a good thing, very melodic stuff.

I saw Baptism life on a mini-festival in germany and i was not impressed... And i think the sound was good enough to judge whether i like their music or not..