Black Metal.

Hvis > Filosofem > Burzum/Aske > Det Som, the obvious truth, absorb it, accept it, move on. Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown, Stemmen Fra Taarnet and My Journey To The Stars > Key To The Gate, Lost Wisdom, and Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn.
I've probably said this at least a dozen times, but years ago, Det Som Engang Var used to be my favorite Burzum album as well, because it was the most immediately satisfying, but over time I've found the other albums to be more rewarding. Even the self-titled album explores more adventurous directions, in my opinion, with My Journey To The Stars, which is one of the best Black Metal songs ever.
I've probably said this at least a dozen times, but years ago, Det Som Engang Var used to be my favorite Burzum album as well, because it was the most immediately satisfying, but over time I've found the other albums to be more rewarding. Even the self-titled album explores more adventurous directions, in my opinion, with My Journey To The Stars, which is one of the best Black Metal songs ever.
I am open to this happening since I really like all the Burzum I have heard.
The reason I've always though Filosofem to be the best because I thought it really brought Vargs purpose the best. It was the most haunting (eh maybe not) and most hypnotic of all the black metal material imo.