Black Metal.

Well, there is no doubt a movement of black metal bands that are straying from the simple lo-fi raw black metal sound. Why would someone no call this a third wave? Maybe not a scene were everyone is together and sitting in a basement recording together like in Norway but what about the large amount bands pushing the genre into different places?

There is no single cohesion in post second-wave Black Metal that would merit classifying it as a "third wave." In fact, there are many very small and confined "third waves," in a sense, but given their limited reach, it wouldn't make sense to call each of these contemporary scenes a singular entity.

I think that what I'm saying is pretty straightforward.
There are notable scenes in several regions, such as the US, Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, etc.
OK, I can agree with that...definitely a good term to use is "post-second wave." It implies that the second wave has tired itself out but that it is not technically "over" considering all the bands currently expanding on it or ripping it off. I'd say black metal is in a state of creative limbo. I think this is pretty healthy, though, given how much the genre spread, grew and flourished in, what...6-8 years?
I agree, I think that the fact that there isn't a "third wave" is actually indicative of the multiplicity that has proliferated throughout the genre. Instead of there being one single, cohesive creative movement from which all pretenders to the throne draw influence, there are several different sources who in themselves are all notably distinguishable from one another. Certainly, one fault of the modern Black Metal scene would not be variety, though the quality of said variations is of course up to the interpreter.
I have to agree with nec. After the second wave, lyrical content, playing style and influences seem to be really varied, like the genre forked.

Well since cookie has been whoring them a lot, I decided to check out Thy Light.

It's really good. Love the piano instrumetal track. (which inspired me to check out more piano based stuff)
I can agree with all that. The most important aspect is the music. As I said, the 3rd wave is more of a geographical distinction than musical.
Yeah, one could certainly argue that USBM, French BM, Polish BM, Slavic BM, etc., are all incarnations of the 3rd wave. The problem still is that these groups mostly lack coherency musically and ideologically. The musical differences in the 2nd wave are mostly overcome by ideological similarities, but even then, there are plenty of bands that we lack sufficient judgment to assess in this way.

I would give more credence to 3rd wave bands that isolated themselves from the specifically Scandinavian elements of the music, namely the focus on "coldness", and later on pagan elements. Coldness is something not really found in the Slavic BM releases, and in most of the more original USBM releases, which find some coherence in their focus on isolation, and more of a departure from religious themes. Only the knockoffs in USBM really focus on the whole coldness theme. I don't know enough about the French scene to assess what's going on there, and how it relates to France.

The best way to define the 3rd wave to me, would be to include bands that showed substantial influence of national character. So within each scene there are bands that are doing something uniquely native, and bands that are strictly aping the 2nd wave, and degrees in between.
But its not so-much a true "scene" a-la the norway scene of the 90's,the LLN or anything close. I would be glad to be corrected right though.
Yeah, it's not like...dudes sitting around in some kvlt record shop (such as Helvete) or the goofy antics of the LLN...but I mean, I think generally the same bands play shows in places (if they even play shows at all), and the same devouts show up at each show...that kinda thing.
Helrunar, Make a Change... Kill Yourself, and Gris are all pretty mediocre bands. They have some ace ideas throughout, but lack as whole albums.

Make a change...kill yourself does suck balls

however, I remember enjoying Helrunar

(I know Alina is a fan of both Make a Change and Gris, but that doesn't really mean anything)


That was a good fucking album.
New baptism album out now. Didn't hear anything about a new one coming out so its kind of a surprise. I enjoyed Morbid wings of Sathanas so hopefully this one will be good..